sylvercheetah53 (05:06:31 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:06:41 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
angie_1878 (05:06:44 PM): ce ai mey? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:06:47 PM): Aloha . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:06:50 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:06:57 PM): Iar mi-a dat add nebuna . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:07 PM): E a 3-a ori a 4-a oarah . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:07:09 PM): buna mey :* >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:11 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:07:12 PM): care nebuna? 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:07:14 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:19 PM): Aia … 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:25 PM): De pe garso’ . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:33 PM): Aia cu care v-atzi certat totzi . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:07:41 PM): Panarama aia . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:00 PM): Nu’sh cum ii zice . 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:26 PM): Icey |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:28 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:37 PM): E dusah mititica . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:49 PM): I-am zis cah dacah mai imi dah add , ia ignore . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:08:55 PM): Sper cah scap . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:08:58 PM): mey eu papa de aceeai tastez mai greu ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:09:11 PM): Ce papi ? =P~ |
angie_1878 (05:09:45 PM): salata cu branza 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:09:48 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:09:54 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:03 PM): Se poate pahpa asha ceva ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:10:10 PM): e dietetic 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:10:14 PM): e super bun pe bune 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:14 PM): Dacah are roshii , preupun cah da . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:10:18 PM): las ca`ti fac odata 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:19 PM): Nu’sh . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:23 PM): mc >:D< |
angie_1878 (05:10:24 PM): yep are de toate 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:33 PM): :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:10:46 PM): Are shi castravete ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:11:03 PM): Mie-mi place castravetele lung shi tare . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:11:12 PM): =)) ))))))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (05:11:15 PM): lung si tare 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:11:22 PM): oricum il tai nu`ti mai dai seama ca e lung =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:11:32 PM): Nu e bine sha il tai . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:11:33 PM): nu mi`am taiat castravete ca mi`a fost lene 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:11:38 PM): da am =)) |
angie_1878 (05:11:41 PM): in frigider =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:11:48 PM): Ai mixer ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:12:24 PM): Cah i s-a ars lu’ mamai’mea shi mah gandeam sha il dau p’al tahu . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:12:30 PM): ahamz 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:12:33 PM): am ;)) ) |
angie_1878 (05:12:37 PM): hai dupa el =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:12:47 PM): Dar nu te-ai atashat de el , nu ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:12:55 PM): Las’ cha iei tu altu’ . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:13 PM): Tu te plangi caH AI luat 2 , dar eu am luat shi 1 . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:19 PM): In cls. a 7-a . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:28 PM): Trerbuia sah facewm nishte desene .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:39 PM): Shi totzi colegii au venit cu ele fahcute … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:43 PM): Sau asha cred . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:13:50 PM): Numa’ Daniel nu . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:13:56 PM): am luat doi la bio 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:13:58 PM): unu la chimie 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:02 PM): Shi le-au dus totzi .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:06 PM): La catedrah .. |
angie_1878 (05:14:06 PM): era sa iau un unu si la bio 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:14:09 PM): zi mai departe ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:14:11 PM): asa ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:14 PM): De ce sah iei unu ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:23 PM): Shi le zicea nota .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:37 PM): Shi dup’aia striga numele shi ziceai ce notha ai luat .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:45 PM): Shi eu ca sah imi punah o notha acolo … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:50 PM): Am zis cha am luat 7 .. |
angie_1878 (05:14:50 PM): ca i`am dat caietul meu unei colege sa i`l arate la profa si al meu e distinctiv adica … si`a dat seama profa pt ca scriu frumos si mi l`a retinut 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (05:14:53 PM): Shi el zice … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:08 PM): Scrii frumos 😡 |
angie_1878 (05:15:12 PM): yep ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:14 PM): Shi el zice .. |
angie_1878 (05:15:22 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:28 PM): „Pey mi-ai dat desen ? 😐 „ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:30 PM): Eu .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:34 PM): „DA . 😀 „ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:37 PM): Eol … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:50 PM): „Unde e , cha nu il vahd ? /:) „ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:15:59 PM): Eu … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:13 PM): „Pey tre’ sha fie acolo , pe catedrah … :-S „ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:17 PM): El … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:25 PM): „Vino shi aratah-mi-l . 😀 „ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:29 PM): Shi m-am dus . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:40 PM): Mah uitam printre toate , da’ al meu nu era . =)) |
angie_1878 (05:16:41 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:45 PM): Nu’sh de ce mah mai uitam . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:16:52 PM): Le tot invahrteam . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:16:59 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:17:01 PM): Shi panah la urmah am zis cha se pare cha nu e . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:17:09 PM): Shi mi-a pus 1 . :-> |
angie_1878 (05:17:13 PM): si el ti`a trantit unu unu :-S |
angie_1878 (05:17:15 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:17:18 PM): Yep . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:17:19 PM): eu am luat unu la chimie 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:17:22 PM): intr`a noua 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:17:28 PM): norocul meu ca nu mi l`a trecut :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:17:29 PM): E un fel de 10 . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:17:38 PM): Dar inversate cifrele . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:17:40 PM): da cei care aveau doi si trei au avut notele puse in catalog 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:17:44 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:18:20 PM): Eu nu prea eram bun la desen . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:18:26 PM): Deshi imi plake . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:18:31 PM): Dar nu am talent . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:18:39 PM): Sunt total anti-talent . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:18:47 PM): eu desenam supe bine cand eram mica 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:18:58 PM): Shi am desenat odatah un bahiat cahruia i-am pus la cataramah svastica . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:19:04 PM): M-a pus sah o scot . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:19:18 PM): Da’ eu nu shtiam ce e aia , am pus-o fiindcha imi plahcea . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:19:33 PM): Shi desenam monshtrii . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:19:34 PM): svastica? 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:19:36 PM): adica? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:19:45 PM): „S”-ul ahla nazust . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:19:50 PM): *nazist |
sylvercheetah53 (05:20:02 PM): Un fel de s sau x ciudat . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:20:14 PM): 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (05:20:19 PM): Douah „s”-uri . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:20:31 PM): greu gandesc la ora asta :-S |
angie_1878 (05:20:55 PM): rtu ce faci mey ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:21:14 PM): stai sa merg sa beau apica ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:21:15 PM): Nu-tzi merge Doodle ? :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:21:20 PM): Oki doki . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:22:33 PM): back 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:23:15 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:23:18 PM): nah zi :-w |
angie_1878 (05:28:36 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (05:28:38 PM): ai cazut? 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (05:28:38 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (05:28:41 PM): ce e asta 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (05:28:49 PM): Scuze mi s-a blocat PC cand am dat „send fi;le . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:29:00 PM): nu`i nik 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:29:09 PM): Aia e svastica .,Aia e svastica . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:29:36 PM): Naiba , se duce naibii monitoru . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:29:39 PM): thanks ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:29:40 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (05:29:43 PM): serios? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:29:47 PM): Acum mi se innegreshte shi desktopul . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:30:02 PM): Inainte se innegrea numa’ in interiorul ferestrei de la Firefox . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:30:15 PM): Acum ndin cand in cand se innergreshtew shi monitoru’ . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:30:19 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:30:20 PM): Avanseazah . :(( |
angie_1878 (05:30:29 PM): si mie imi apare o chestie verde cand il inchid 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:30:30 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:30:33 PM): Nu monitoru’ desktopul . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:30:44 PM): Ce chestie verde ? :-S Salatah ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:30:47 PM): ma rog 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:30:51 PM): tot acolo =)) )) |
angie_1878 (05:30:55 PM): da lipesc eu de nebuna 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:30:58 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:31:13 PM): Nu mai pot micshora fereastra . :(( |
angie_1878 (05:31:17 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:31:29 PM): S-a mahrti cand am vrut sha bag Doodle , iar acum a rahms prea latah . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:31:41 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:31:55 PM): In fine … PC-ul meu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:32:04 PM): Pot scrie romane despre el . :-> |
angie_1878 (05:32:07 PM): mamaL” |
angie_1878 (05:32:09 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:32:12 PM): … horror … 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:32:14 PM): si daca se strica ce faci? 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:32:18 PM): apropo 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:32:23 PM): am vbt cu hordy azi ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:32:36 PM): Dacah se stricah , dau in cap la o bahtranicah , ii fur 4 milionae shi iau altu . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:32:41 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (05:32:42 PM): grr :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:32:45 PM): V-atzi intzeles bine ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:32:52 PM): m`am uitat aseara la un film 😡 |
angie_1878 (05:32:55 PM): yep ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:32:58 PM): am vbt despre tine 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:32:59 PM): De dragoste ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:33:00 PM): adica … |
angie_1878 (05:33:04 PM): k`am intrebat eu ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:33:05 PM): Ce despre mine ? :-S |
angie_1878 (05:33:08 PM): daca a mai vbt cu tine ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:33:14 PM): si mi`a zis ca ti`ai luat fisiere 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:33:18 PM): si mi`a zis si de ce 😉 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:33:30 PM): Shtiu de ce , ca sha citeascah . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:33:35 PM): nups 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:33:36 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:33:37 PM): Nu-0i nik . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:33:42 PM): nu a citit si eu il cred 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:33:44 PM): Nu’s supahrat pe el . ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:33:54 PM): stiu ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:33:59 PM): Eu sincert nu prea . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:34:04 PM): Da’ nu-i nik . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:34:14 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (05:34:21 PM): da ce discutii ti`a luat nu stii? 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (05:34:25 PM): asta e rau daca nu crezi 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:34:26 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:34:54 PM): Pey cred cah nu a apucat sha ia prea mult , cah l-am deconectat , posibil doar vreo 30-40 … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:35:01 PM): Probabil cu Ady , nu’sh . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:35:08 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:35:10 PM): Tre’ sha fie in ordine alfabeticah . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:35:10 PM): ma rog … |
angie_1878 (05:35:16 PM): e nashpa ca nu ai incredere 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:35:18 PM): dar nah 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:35:23 PM): fiecare cu tabieturile sale 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:35:34 PM): Pey de ce zici cah nu am incredere ? :-S |
angie_1878 (05:35:44 PM): ca nu ai incredere ca nu le`a citit 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:36:17 PM): Pey el mi-a zis cnad l-am intrebat de ce le ia „Ca sah citesc :-> ” DEci am incredere in el , dacah el mi-a zis . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:36:27 PM): Il cred . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:37:13 PM): Eu i-am dat odatah remote-access shi i-ash da din noi . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:37:18 PM): Am incredere in el . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:37:43 PM): Shi i voi , ceilaltzi 3 . ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:38:15 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:38:35 PM): mey eu te cred 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:38:42 PM): nu`i nevoie sa`mi zici si sa`mi explici 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:38:46 PM): e totul oki 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:39:26 PM): Eu cu mare greutate mah supahr pe voi shi imi trece fff repede . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:39:39 PM): Fiindcha imi suntetzi dragi . >:D< |
angie_1878 (05:39:53 PM): si tu ne esti noua 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:39:56 PM): sau ma rog mie 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:40:04 PM): nu vorbesc in numele celorlalti 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:40:19 PM): Shtiu eu cah shi ei tzin la mine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:40:20 PM): eu va iubesc pe tine si pe hordy 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:40:25 PM): si pe babutza 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:40:34 PM): dar la ea mai mult e afectiune 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:40:38 PM): nush daca e iubire 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:48 PM): LA mine e asha : 1.Tu 2.Hordy 3.Mircea 4.Didi 5.Carmy 6.Ady 7.Mitzah 8.Katu’ 9.Apo’ 10.Jubi |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:55 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:11 PM): :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:20 PM): Am deschis un nou topic . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:24 PM): Uite-l : |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:54 PM): http://www.labloc.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=450 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:57 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:07 PM): Sah-mi zici ce pahrere ai . =)) |
angie_1878 (05:43:35 PM): adi? 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:43:37 PM): katu?:” |
angie_1878 (05:43:38 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:43:48 PM): grr :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:53 PM): Da . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:08 PM): Bine , nu ii iubesc . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:18 PM): E un clasament la cinet zin cat de cat . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:44:25 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:47 PM): Adicah vah iubesc pe tine , pe Hordy shi pe Mircea , la ceilaltzi doar tzin . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:53 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:22 PM): La Skip shi Babutzha , nu prea mai tzin . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:35 PM): Deshi Skip erA PE vreo 6-7 era Babutza pe 7-8 . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:38 PM): Dar asta e . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:46 PM): Se mai schimbah relatziile . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:09 PM): FRumos spus . 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:18 PM): „Cat timp iubeshti … iertzi” |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:21 PM): Imi plake . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:46:32 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:46:42 PM): adi si katu pt mine nu mai exista 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:24 PM): Este alegerea ta , eu unu’ chiar shi pe forum , cand a fost ceva gern Ady vs Hordy , tu vs Mircea , Iuli vs. Skiz ,s.a.m.d. , am stat deoparter , deci cum vretzi voi , eu unu’ nu am pretentzia ca dacah mi se pare mie de treabah cineva sah ise parah shi altuia s.a.m.d. , :)) DEci din punctul meu de vedere , putetzi sah vah certatzi , batetzi , ce vretzi , eu n-am nik de zis . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:36 PM): Pot sha fiu priete4n shi cu o parte shi cu cealaltah . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:48:49 PM): 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:31 PM): In schimb mah mai bag cand e cineva drag vs cineva nesuferit/indiferent >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:39 PM): Atunci nu mah piot abtzine . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:56 PM): Fiecare cu piticii lui . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:14 PM): Te-ai uitat la topic ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:50:23 PM): nup 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:32 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:37 PM): De ce nu ? >:P |
angie_1878 (05:51:08 PM): pey am papat |
angie_1878 (05:51:14 PM): apoi am ajutat`o pe didi |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:26 PM): Ce face Didi de treb’e ajutatah ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:32 PM): Gahteshte ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:51:34 PM): saratele pt mitza 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:44 PM): Cum pt. Mitzah ? :-S |
angie_1878 (05:51:51 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:51:58 PM): simplu le face si le pune buni pachet … |
angie_1878 (05:52:03 PM): ea vine sapt viit in cta 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:52:07 PM): adica prima data in buc 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:52:13 PM): ca are ceva de rezolvat 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:52:16 PM): si apoi in cta 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:55 PM): Dar te vei uita , sper . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:01 PM): Ca sah mah laud shi eu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:07 PM): Cah fac topic-uri . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:53:21 PM): da ca tu nu mai intri pe garso >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:35 PM): O sah mai intru shi acolo . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:37 PM): Chiar … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:44 PM): Ce mai e p’acolo ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:54 PM): Ceva ou sub soare ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:03 PM): *nou |
angie_1878 (05:54:08 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:54:11 PM): nush 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:23 PM): Ccum „nu’sh” > :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:29 PM): N-ai mai intrat ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (05:54:39 PM): ba 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:48 PM): =D> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:51 PM): >:D< |
angie_1878 (05:54:51 PM): mai rarutz ca`i mai dragutz 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:54:55 PM): nush de ce te superi 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:01 PM): Nu mai rahrutz . :(( |
angie_1878 (05:55:01 PM): atat timp cat tu nu intri >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:26 PM): Da , dar in ziua cand voi reveni , vrea sah vadh multe post-uri de-ale tale . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:33 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:42 PM): Hordy a mai scris ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:48 PM): Mircea ? 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:53 PM): Didi ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:56:04 PM): mircea l`am zut ca citea mai devreme 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:56:06 PM): doua trei posturi |
angie_1878 (05:56:08 PM): didi deloc 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:56:13 PM): hordy si el cateva posturi 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:56:18 PM): Didi de ce deloc ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (05:56:53 PM): pey :-S |
angie_1878 (05:56:58 PM): nush ea se joaca table 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:57:01 PM): nu mai are timp 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:29 PM): Eu odatah jucam shah cu Soso shi post-am pe forum + Vorbweam cu tine :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:40 PM): Nu’sh cum de nu poate face mai mute in acelashi timp . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (05:57:40 PM): plec sa o ajut pe didi |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:51 PM): Vii repede , nu ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:57:58 PM): nush cred ca ies 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:04 PM): De ce ? :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:11 PM): De ce sha ieshi ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:50 PM): Termini prea tarziu treaba ? 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:56 PM): ori de ce ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:59:55 PM): Ai pus deja „busy” , probabil nu mai eshti . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:04:27 PM): am revenit 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:04:33 PM): pey ies cand vine didi 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:04:56 PM): Shi Didi vine dupah ce face sahrahtzelele ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:01 PM): Erau nishte chestii .. |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:10 PM): Dar nu mai shjtiu cum se numeau . 😕 |
angie_1878 (06:05:10 PM): yep dupa aceea 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:17 PM): Galbene .. |
angie_1878 (06:05:20 PM): is facute cu presa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:37 PM): Erau mici shi creshteau … |
angie_1878 (06:05:45 PM): 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:46 PM): Crocante … |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:00 PM): Stai shA o intreb pe maicah’mea . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:51 PM): Crevetzi . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:55 PM): :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:58 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:07:04 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (06:07:10 PM): n`am papat everP |
angie_1878 (06:07:26 PM): 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:30 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (06:07:31 PM): mi`am schimbat semnatura 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:07:34 PM): si avataru 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:36 PM): Nu’s cine shte ce . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:44 PM): Pe garso ‘ ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:07:47 PM): da nu l`am pus ala pe care mi l`ai dat tu pt ca e prea micutz :-S |
angie_1878 (06:07:49 PM): yep 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:07:55 PM): l`am lasat cel cu friends for ever 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:07:59 PM): ka semnatura ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:08:03 PM): la* |
angie_1878 (06:08:37 PM): iti dau link sa vezi? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:08:47 PM): Pey eu l-am ‘cut cat e limita . :)) !40 kb . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:08:57 PM): Degeaba e mai mare , cah e redimensionat . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:09:31 PM): Adicah … il puteam face mai mare , dar tot acolo iesheai . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:09:41 PM): http://www.garsonieraluimaruta.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1032&start=13800 |
angie_1878 (06:09:44 PM): nu`i nik 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:09:50 PM): o sa`l pun pe akcent 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:10:22 PM): Dumi e Cicika acum ? :-O |
angie_1878 (06:10:43 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:11:10 PM): am facut mishto mai devreme cu skiyp de nicku` ei :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:18 PM): Aduce cu al uratei de pe Akcent . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:21 PM): Cycy . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:29 PM): Ai vb cu Skip pe mess ? 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:41 PM): Dar spuneai cah nu a mai intrtat . :(( |
angie_1878 (06:12:50 PM): cine skip? 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:12:53 PM): da am vbt azi 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:12:54 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:55 PM): Nu’sh … eu ash da ban pt. atatewa schimbahri . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:07 PM): Nuy skip , dumi . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:13:17 PM): pey de ieri a scris 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:36 PM): Ce „bucurie ” . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:13:40 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:50 PM): Da’ nu’sh cine tot stah sah ii schimbe nick-ul . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:14:00 PM): vic 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:14:34 PM): Stai sha ii fac o figurah dacha tot am deschis forumu’ . :”> |
angie_1878 (06:14:46 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:38 PM): Gata . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:16:02 PM): :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:16:06 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:16:23 PM): 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:42 PM): N-am program . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:59 PM): E ceva fain azi ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:18:07 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (06:18:08 PM): nush eu ma uit la roma 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:18:11 PM): pe hbo 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:18:13 PM): e serial 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:18:16 PM): imi place 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:18:17 PM): E bun ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:18:26 PM): SF ? :-> |
angie_1878 (06:19:18 PM): nu sf 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:19:23 PM): 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:19:24 PM): e ceva cu antichitate 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:19:32 PM): cu lupte de`ale romanilor 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:19:35 PM): nush mie imi place 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:19:58 PM): Gen „Asterix shi Obelix” . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:02 PM): Imi plake . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:20:17 PM): e mai serios 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:20:33 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:33 PM): Atunci nu-mi plake . O:-) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:41 PM): Eu vreau NEserios . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:21:00 PM): Care-tzi plake mai mult dintre Asterix shi Obelix ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:21:05 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (06:21:08 PM): care era grasu? 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:21:12 PM): ala imi place ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:21:17 PM): ca`i mai simpatic 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:21:20 PM): Obelix e grasu’ . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:21:32 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:21:40 PM): noah nu`i mai stiam :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:21:59 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:18 PM): Dar dintre Tom shi Jerry , cu tine tzii ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:22:24 PM): jerry 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:22:26 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:37 PM): Eu cu tom , cah prea ea bahtaie mereu . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:50 PM): Dintre Tweety shi Sylvester . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:23:26 PM): tweety ca e un scump 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:23:33 PM): desi acasa ii am pe amdooi 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:50 PM): Eu pe Sylvester il prefer . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:02 PM): Shi imi mai plake mult Duffy . :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:12 PM): Shi Bugs . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:50 PM): Am crezut cah a fost Mircea on . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:57 PM): Dar a fost Spade . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:24:58 PM): probabil ca a fost 😉 |
angie_1878 (06:25:02 PM): era pe forum mai devreme 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:06 PM): Are id ciudat shi m-am pahcahlit . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:16 PM): DEmciuc007 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:18 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (06:25:27 PM): demciuc? 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:34 PM): Asah e ID-ul . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:25:37 PM): cunosc numele asta 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:40 PM): Shi aduce cu Mircea . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:25:44 PM): id`ul cui?: :-O |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:50 PM): E Spade de pe forum . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:25:53 PM): ah 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:26:00 PM): demciuc numele mi`e cunoscut 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:26:20 PM): uff cred ca nu o sa`i mai arda de postat pe forum lui dumi 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:26:22 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:26:27 PM): m`am legat de cateva pers 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:26:40 PM): =D> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:26:45 PM): ffffffffffffffffffffffffff bine . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:26:47 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:26:50 PM): :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:00 PM): Imi plake cand suntetzi directzi . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:11 PM): Asta aprecize mult la Skiz . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:27:30 PM): eu nu eram pana acu 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:27:33 PM): mama ce tuna :-S |
angie_1878 (06:27:34 PM): grr :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:46 PM): La mine nuuu . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:52 PM): Dah shi mie un „tun” . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:28:06 PM): la tine e cald? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:28:43 PM): Nu e nici chiar cald , e mai rahcoare azi decat ieri , 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:30:01 PM): Sah fie cel mai fruig posibil , numa’ cald sah nu fie . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:30:03 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:30:20 PM): i`am zis ala dumi ca a facut insolatie 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:31:29 PM): =D> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:31:42 PM): Eu speram sah nu mai scrie . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:31:57 PM): i`am zis sa nu se mai bage unde nu o priveste 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:01 PM): Dar s-ar putea mahcar pt. cateva minute sah n-o mai poatah face . :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:13 PM): Dar in ce s-a bahgat ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:24 PM): Dacha a zis ceva de tine , o rup . >:) |
angie_1878 (06:33:19 PM): pey ma certam eu cu katu 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:33:23 PM): adica ea a zis ceva 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:33:27 PM): si eu i`am zis altceva 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:33:33 PM): si dumi sa bagat 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:56 PM): A crezut cha te linsheazah . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:33:59 PM): sorry 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:03 PM): Am primit pm pe MTV . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:09 PM): Dar nu pot citit . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:34:46 PM): probabil e argumentat ban`ul :-S |
angie_1878 (06:34:58 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:35:28 PM): iti place avataru meu? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:35:31 PM): Nu cred cah mi-l dahdea dupah atat timp , iar in plus , shi-ar fi dat seama cah degeaba mi-l dah cat timp nu pot citit . =)) |
angie_1878 (06:35:39 PM): eu l`am santajat pe hordy sa`mi spuna ca da :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (06:35:39 PM): Probabile de la Tya sau Cargo . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:35:43 PM): ;-s |
angie_1878 (06:35:45 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:36:01 PM): Ce nu-mi plake cnad iau ban . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:36:12 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (06:36:16 PM): ce buna a fost asta =)) )) |
angie_1878 (06:36:41 PM): pey de ce te comporti asa incat sa iei ban? 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:36:43 PM): ei ei 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:38:03 PM): Pey mey … |
angie_1878 (06:38:31 PM): da am inteles cu mtv`ul 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:38:36 PM): asa sunt cei de acolo 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:38:44 PM): Dacah mi-as revizui comportamentu nu m-ash mai simtzi in largul meu , nu m-ash mai simtzi bine shi atunci nu ash mai avea de ce sah intru , nu ash mai intra defapt , shi tot basn ar fi . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:38:58 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:39:04 PM): Prefer ban , dar sha mah simt bine . :-> |
angie_1878 (06:39:24 PM): mey ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:39:29 PM): ia zi`mi tu esti bine ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:40:42 PM): Pey eu zic cha sunt destul de bine , n-am motive sah fiu trist , probabil nici sha fiu vesel , dar mah mai distrez cand fac off pe un foruym , cand injur pe cineva … chestiile astea mah destind . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:40:56 PM): Chiar rad copios uneori cand mah mai cert . =)) |
angie_1878 (06:41:15 PM): fac off pe garso 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:41:22 PM): am chiar acordu` lui skipy =)) )))))))))))))))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (06:41:28 PM): m`am legat de dumi 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:41:29 PM): : =)) ))))))))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:42:50 PM): Te-a lahsat Skip sah faic off ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:42:51 PM): :D/ |
angie_1878 (06:42:54 PM): yep 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:42:56 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:43:04 PM): Parcha nu mai era deacord . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:43:14 PM): Oricum , eu nu-l bahgam in seamah . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:43:23 PM): Nu-mi pasha de moderatori … sunt nik . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:43:27 PM): kriiiiiiiis: scuze de off kriiiiiiiis: acu ma leg si de dumi SkipY Le Blond de Vesspuci: kriiiiiiiis: lasa ca maine repar ce am facut SkipY Le Blond de Vesspuci: stai linistita kriiiiiiiis: )) kriiiiiiiis: thanks SkipY Le Blond de Vesspuci: no problem |
angie_1878 (06:43:30 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:43:34 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:43:48 PM): Surprins … plahcut . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:43:56 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:44:14 PM): me too ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:44:36 PM): Pe Robotika n-am mai ‘zut-o on . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:44:39 PM): By the way … |
angie_1878 (06:44:40 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:44:48 PM): Mah bucur mult cha faci off . :-* |
angie_1878 (06:45:04 PM): thanks ;;) |
angie_1878 (06:45:09 PM): sper sa plece dumi 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:45:38 PM): Eu tot sper asta de cateva luni . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:45:46 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (06:45:50 PM): stai sa`ti mai arat 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:45:56 PM): :-* |
angie_1878 (06:46:15 PM): sa vad ce a mai zis 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:46:45 PM): Dar pe ce topic e ciondahneala ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:47:09 PM): [e unde posteaza e 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:47:11 PM): ea |
angie_1878 (06:47:14 PM): acolo sunt si eu 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:47:15 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:47:16 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:48:21 PM): la hai sa facem cunostinta 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:48:30 PM): http://www.garsonieraluimaruta.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?p=144142#144142 |
angie_1878 (06:48:34 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (06:48:41 PM): nu mi`ai zis daca iti place avataru :-S |
angie_1878 (06:48:44 PM): sau nu`ti place :-S |
angie_1878 (06:48:54 PM): sper sa nu te supi pe mine 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:50:41 PM): Ba e drahgutz . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:50:50 PM): Dar pt. mine tot cel mai bun e cel cu zana . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:51:02 PM): de ce mey? 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:03 PM): Nu-mi plahcea baba-cloantza aia din’ainte . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:12 PM): PT. cha tzi se potrivea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:51:19 PM): nu era baba clanta 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:51:23 PM): era o fata care suferea 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:39 PM): O fatah uratah care suferea . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:43 PM): Ah , nu ahla . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:48 PM): Ahla era drahgutz . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:56 PM): Cel cu ingerashu’-monstru . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:52:06 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (06:52:10 PM): era dragutz 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:17 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:27 PM): Bine cha l-ai scos #:-S |
angie_1878 (06:53:33 PM): de ce razi? =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:34 PM): Dupah ce ai ieshit tu in seara aia … |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:38 PM): M-am dus la Hordy ./.. |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:42 PM): Shi zic .. |
angie_1878 (06:53:52 PM): =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:57 PM): „Mi se pare mie , ori avataru’ lu’ Kris e urat ?” |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:59 PM): Shi el .. |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:14 PM): „Chiar chautam un topci acum sah vahd unde sah scriu asta , da’ nu gahsesdc” |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:17 PM): Shi eu .. |
angie_1878 (06:54:22 PM): =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:25 PM): Sah-mi zici unde scrii ca sah scriu shi eu .. |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:32 PM): Shi o intreb pe Katu’ … |
angie_1878 (06:54:34 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:54:41 PM): da ca si ea a zis 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:54:46 PM): sa`si inghita vorbele 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:49 PM): „E cam uratzel avataru’ lu’ Kris ori e doar impresia mea > |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:52 PM): Shi ea … |
angie_1878 (06:54:54 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:00 PM): „CAm asha ceva :”> „ |
angie_1878 (06:55:06 PM): ye sure 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:07 PM): Shi dupah ce am scris eu shi Hordy .. |
angie_1878 (06:55:09 PM): ce sa zic 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:16 PM): I-am zis cah dacha vrwea sah scriwe shi ea . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:55:24 PM): eram sigura 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:25 PM): Shi am zis totzi 3 cha e urat :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:45 PM): Sper sha nu te superi . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:55:51 PM): Da’n chiar nu-mi plahcea . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:31 PM): La Hordy nu-mi plahcea cand avea moshu’ . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:56:37 PM): de tine si de hordy nu ma supar 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:56:40 PM): de katu da >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:45 PM): :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:47 PM): :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:54 PM): Draga de tine . >:D< |
angie_1878 (06:56:55 PM): :* |
angie_1878 (06:56:59 PM): sorry 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:57:04 PM): nu iertt pers nesimtite 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:57:50 PM): Mey , eu tzi-am zis , eu mah bucur cah zici ce ai pe suflet shi in rest niciodatah nu o sha comentez ceva … ai dreptu’ la antipatiile tale , e normal . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (06:57:56 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:18 PM): Imi pasha doar noi 5 sha fim, cat mai unitzi , dar shi cand e ceva intre voi , tot nu mah bag . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:58:32 PM): yep de acu o sa zic tot ce gandesc 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:58:37 PM): de fapt 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:37 PM): =D> |
angie_1878 (06:58:41 PM): si pana acu am zis 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:43 PM): Shtii care e fazxa … |
angie_1878 (06:58:50 PM): numai ca m`am abtinut cu dumi 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:53 PM): Dacvha tzii in tine o chestie e mai rahu pt. tine . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:58:54 PM): sa nu o injur 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:09 PM): Dacha zici ce ai pe sufletzle , eshti mai ushuratah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:13 PM): Eu mereu zic . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:17 PM): Nu-mi pasha . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:59:29 PM): usurata :-S |
angie_1878 (06:59:32 PM): usuratica =(( |
angie_1878 (06:59:35 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:38 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:59:46 PM): =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:57 PM): Ushuraticha e altceva . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:00:08 PM): stiu =)) )))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:00:10 PM): 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:00:16 PM): faceam si eu mishto ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:17 PM): Adevahru’ e cah shi mie-mi era greu sah nu o injur . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:35 PM): Ooops …eu chiar am injurat-o . =)) |
angie_1878 (07:00:42 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:00:49 PM): sa vad ce a mai scris 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:06 PM): Stai , cha uitasem sha dau pe link-ul de la tine . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:12 PM): Mah uit shi eu acuma . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:02:22 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:02:28 PM): acu ma iau de ea la alt topic 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:02:29 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:03:06 PM): kris_s Locatar Joined: 06 Aug 2005 Posts: 10580 Location: … A Place Where I Can Dream … Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:02 pm Post subject: Daca ai ceva de zis si demn de luat in seama zi, daca nu mai bine nu`ti maresti numaru` de posturi fara rost. Uite iti au eu 1000 de la mine daca vrei. Ca esti asa dragutza mereu si mai ales ca nu pricepi nimic si te bagi in toate. Asa da caracter. Ah … maine voi pune poze cu fetele ca sa`mi repar off`ul de azi. |
sylvercheetah53 (07:03:09 PM): Hordy Locatar Locatar Data inscrierii: 16/Aug/2005 Mesaje: 5140 Locatie: Locuiesc intr-o hruba, la cap de coridor MesajTrimis: Vin Apr 28, 2006 9:38 am Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote) caty a scris: eu va sugerez sa discutati pe chat si apoi sa ne ziceti rezultatul .asa sa nu mai fie certuri pe aci.ce ziceti Nici o sansa numai aici are farmec … eo nu vreau un coleg de camera cu numele Ovidiu … dak scap sapunul pe jos … nici o sansa |
angie_1878 (07:03:09 PM): =)) ))))))))))))))))))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:03:11 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:03:19 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:03:52 PM): Cu ce fete vei pune poze ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:04:04 PM): de la asia 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:04:06 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:04:09 PM): acolo m`am legat 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:04:54 PM): Chestiile astea mah fac sha imi precipit revenirtea . :)) Dupah ce reinstalez Win , mah intorc . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:04:57 PM): de ea 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:05:00 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:05:01 PM): :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (07:05:36 PM): Pey nu se poate unde e off shi scandal , sha nu fie Sylv’ . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:05:40 PM): :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:06:43 PM): Hordy Locatar Locatar Data inscrierii: 16/Aug/2005 Mesaje: 5140 Locatie: Locuiesc intr-o hruba, la cap de coridor MesajTrimis: Vin Apr 28, 2006 11:36 am Titlul subiectului: Raspunde cu citat (quote) Ovidiu a scris: De unde ai invatat man gramatica ? De la muste. Ca sigur au m mult creier decat tine. Imi pare rau de ele ca trebuie sa te suporte .Dar poate mai prinzi si u ceva de la ele ca nu prea te duce bibilica. Am luat meditatii de la ma-ta … mah stiu ha ? |
angie_1878 (07:06:44 PM): VAI CE MESAJ AM POSTAT =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:06:46 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:07:07 PM): Mey , imi pare rahu cah lipsesc de la ssemenea chestii . =)) |
angie_1878 (07:07:15 PM): kris_s Locatar Joined: 06 Aug 2005 Posts: 10581 Location: … A Place Where I Can Dream … Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:06 pm Post subject: Thanks. Am eu diabet de la ceea ce zici. ) Nah va las. Unora va doresc cosmaruri placute, de fapt unii aveti viata ce sa mai. Stresati … obositi … neiubiti … etc etc. Noapte buna celorlalti. Pupiki plagiati pentru unii )))) pentru restul FERMECATZI. )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:07:17 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:07:25 PM): poate sunt prea acida 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:08:32 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:08:44 PM): opss :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:49 PM): Nu eshti , mey . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:08:49 PM): ne`a atras skipy atentia :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:53 PM): Asha e frumos . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:09:00 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:05 PM): Skip sah-shi vadha de treabva lui . >:) |
angie_1878 (07:09:08 PM): e frumos ca ne`a atras atentia? 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:09:13 PM): oricum e numai de forma ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:09:22 PM): mey eu ies curand :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:12 PM): DE ce ? =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:19 PM): M-ai pahrahsi tu pe mine ? :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:27 PM): Nu cred . [-( |
angie_1878 (07:10:30 PM): pey ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:10:34 PM): nu te parasesc ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:53 PM): Vreau sah vin la tine in pahtuz . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:10:56 PM): kris_s Locatar Joined: 06 Aug 2005 Posts: 10581 Location: … A Place Where I Can Dream … Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:06 pm Post subject: Thanks. Am eu diabet de la ceea ce zici. ) Nah va las. Unora va doresc cosmaruri placute, de fapt unii aveti viata ce sa mai. Stresati … obositi … neiubiti … etc etc. Noapte buna celorlalti. Pupiki plagiati pentru unii )))) pentru restul FERMECATZI. )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:10:58 PM): scuze 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:11:02 PM): vroiam altceva 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:11:08 PM): nu e voie in patutz 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:17 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (07:11:21 PM): kris_s Locatar Joined: 06 Aug 2005 Posts: 10582 Location: … A Place Where I Can Dream … Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 5:10 pm Post subject: Doamne exagerarea asta dauneaza grav sanatatii. Skiz las`o ea ii iubeste pe toti. E normal. Lavi va reveni Sylv. _________________ |
angie_1878 (07:11:26 PM): de dumi ziceam =)) )))) |
angie_1878 (07:11:30 PM): so am pus si =(( |
angie_1878 (07:11:32 PM): si* |
angie_1878 (07:11:33 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:11:36 PM): nah ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:11:39 PM): nu fi sad ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:40 PM): :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:51 PM): Pey oricum … |
angie_1878 (07:11:58 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:05 PM): Dacha toit e Didi , poa’ sha fie shi Sylv’ , cah tot p’acolo . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:27 PM): Tot 2 picioare , douah maini .. o putzah . ;)) ooops … ultiam nu . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:33 PM): 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:12:40 PM): =)) ))))))))))))))))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:12:45 PM): o putza =)) )) |
angie_1878 (07:12:49 PM): asa zicea ovidiu 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:12:50 PM): grr :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:55 PM): Chiar |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:03 PM): aM Z’UT CHA E un Ovidiu poe forum . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:13:07 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:10 PM): I-o tot zicea Hordy . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:13:13 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:13:17 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:20 PM): Dacah eramn eu , ii zicema shi eu vreo douah . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:13:22 PM): saracu 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:13:25 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:13:28 PM): eu i zieam 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:31 PM): Ca SHA nu-i mai rahsp. lu’ Hordy . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:13:34 PM): lasa`l pe hordy in pace 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:13:39 PM): da de fapt … |
angie_1878 (07:13:47 PM): hordy se lega de el … :”> |
angie_1878 (07:13:49 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:58 PM): Hordy face ce vrea el . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:01 PM): 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:11 PM): El e jupanu . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:18 PM): Shi eu o sah fa cla fel . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:22 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:14:29 PM): i`am zis lui hordy 😉 |
angie_1878 (07:14:31 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:14:41 PM): sa`mi dea meditatii de gramatica =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (07:14:44 PM): la anu =)) )))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:10 PM): E unu’ pe forumu’ „La bloc” care le are la grmaticah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:18 PM): S-ar put sah il invit pe garso’ . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:22 PM): Otto . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:15:28 PM): ah otto :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:35 PM): Il shtii ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:15:38 PM): tu ne inseli cu alte forumuri >:P |
angie_1878 (07:15:38 PM): e dragutz? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:15:46 PM): pey din ce am citit :)) |
angie_1878 (07:15:50 PM): in topicul facut de tine 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:59 PM): Ah . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:04 PM): Stai sah vezi … |
angie_1878 (07:16:07 PM): 😕 |
angie_1878 (07:16:13 PM): tre sa ies curand ;;) :*:*:* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:37 PM): http://www.labloc.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=368 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:44 PM): Nu , nu vreau sah ieshi . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:47 PM): Te rog . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:16:54 PM): da tre sa vina didi ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:17:00 PM): ma uit maine la ce mi`ai day ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:17:02 PM): dat* |
angie_1878 (07:17:05 PM): te pup :* |
angie_1878 (07:17:08 PM): noapte buna >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:16 PM): Gata ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:17:30 PM): yep:*:*:*:* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:36 PM): Take care >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:41 PM): Love you :-* |
angie_1878 (07:17:45 PM): love you too:* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:39:56 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
angie_1878 (05:40:32 PM): buna mey:* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:40:41 PM): Aloha , mey . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:40:48 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:40:51 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (05:40:57 PM): :* >:D< :*:*:*:*:* |
angie_1878 (05:41:00 PM): ce faci? ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:01 PM): Am vb. cu Hortdy . :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:06 PM): Asearah . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:15 PM): Shi nu mi-a reproshat nik . ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:41:21 PM): ce ai vbt cu el? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:21 PM): Am vb. normal . :D/ |
angie_1878 (05:41:23 PM): pe bune ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:41:29 PM): bine ca s`a trezit >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:40 PM): Am vb. ca shi cum nu s-ar fi int. nik . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:41:47 PM): Nu , nu pahrea beat . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:07 PM): Are net bun acu’ . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:12 PM): Eu nu . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (05:42:25 PM): tu nu ai net bun? :-S |
angie_1878 (05:42:30 PM): pey nu ca e ca si stapanu ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:42:31 PM): :* |
angie_1878 (05:42:33 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:42:40 PM): Tre’ sah-mi facah shi mie ahshtia de la RDS 512 kbps , da’ nu cred . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:02 PM): Adicah pot sha am dacah vreu , da’ tre’ sah plahtesc in pus . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:15 PM): Sah-mi facah la aceeashi bani , asha vreu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:30 PM): Adicah 250 000 / lunah . ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:43:36 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (05:43:42 PM): eh acu vrei si tu prea multe ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:44 PM): Da’ Horsdy are 900 . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:43:46 PM): eu platesc 450 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:52 PM): Bine , cu tot cu cablu shi tal . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:43:53 PM): noua sute de mii da? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:43:57 PM): 450 e mult . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (05:44:10 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:44:15 PM): nu eu il platesc :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:23 PM): Inseamnah cah eu plahtesc cel ami putzin . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:27 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (05:44:30 PM): si cu mitza 😀 😀 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:44:39 PM): raman singura weekendu` viitor 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:44:41 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:41 PM): Ah , da , cah tot la fel tre’ sha fie . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:44:49 PM): Vin la tine ? ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:06 PM): 😀 😀 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:45:06 PM): =)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:10 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (05:45:11 PM): o sa intru noaptea :)) 0 |
angie_1878 (05:45:20 PM): 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:24 PM): Nu il mai am pe ahla care viseazah . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:33 PM): Adicah ahsta era – > 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (05:45:42 PM): Dar acu’ e unu’ care merge . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:00 PM): Sah tzii pahtutzu’ cald . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:12 PM): La margine sau la perete ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:46:35 PM): pe jos 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:46:36 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:38 PM): I-am ‘cut figura asearah lu’ Hordy . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:44 PM): E bine shi pe jos . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:46:47 PM): :D/ |
angie_1878 (05:46:48 PM): de ce mey? 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:46:53 PM): nu ca te iau daca nu te apropii 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:09 PM): Pey eu vreau sha mah iei . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:18 PM): Take me . I am yours . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:21 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:47:30 PM): =)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:36 PM): Da’ ia-mah incet . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:44 PM): Cu blandetze . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:47:46 PM): pey te oferi asa pe gratis? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:47:47 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:47:57 PM): Da , pt. tine sunt pe gratis . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:08 PM): De data asta nu tre’ sah plahteshti . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:17 PM): Sah zicem cha e o favoare . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:30 PM): Ai ‘zut un gigolo de doi lei ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:48:37 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:48:40 PM): cica favoare >:P |
angie_1878 (05:48:42 PM): nup 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:43 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:50 PM): A fost pe HBO . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:56 PM): Shi unu’ era gigolo … |
angie_1878 (05:48:58 PM): scuze aseara am dormit :-S |
angie_1878 (05:49:01 PM): stiu ca l`am zut 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:11 PM): Shi nu’sh care eraw faza cha toate clientele lui aveau cate-o problemah … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:19 PM): Ba una n-avea un picior … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:24 PM): BA una era grasah … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:28 PM): s,a.m.d. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:34 PM): Shi intr-o searah … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:49:46 PM): Gahseshte o clientah intr-un club … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:04 PM): Shi o aduce acasah la el , da’ nu’sh ce se intampalh cah nu se desfahshoarah actu’ .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:13 PM): Insha el cere totushi bahnutzii … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:19 PM): Dar … surprizah . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:28 PM): Shi ea cere bani , pt, cha era tarfah . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:50:38 PM): Shi se ceratau cine sah plahteascha ep bine > 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:50:40 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:50:51 PM): mi se pare ca l`am zut 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:50:54 PM): pey ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:50:58 PM): o sa fie intr`o noapte 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:01 PM): Era cu ahla din „Animalul” . 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:51:04 PM): filmu` ala de care ti`am zis ;;) |
angie_1878 (05:51:08 PM): il stiu ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:51:13 PM): spune`mi ca ma iubesti 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:15 PM): Sah imi aminteshti sha mah uit . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:20 PM): Te iubesc . :-* |
angie_1878 (05:51:21 PM): numa ca o sa fie noaptea pe la vreo 12 :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:30 PM): Nu-i nik , stau . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:51 PM): Asearah fahcea Hordy pe shmecheru’ … |
angie_1878 (05:52:01 PM): 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:04 PM): Cah i-a zis Katutzei sah facha secs … |
angie_1878 (05:52:05 PM): el o face tot timpu :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:08 PM): Shi tot asha … |
angie_1878 (05:52:09 PM): eu nu am vbt cu el :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:13 PM): Shi ca sha il aranjez … |
angie_1878 (05:52:18 PM): da stiu ca si mie imi zice 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:23 PM): I-am propus un targ Katutzei … |
angie_1878 (05:52:31 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:36 PM): Sah ii zicem cha po sha facem secs . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:40 PM): Shi am fahcut conf … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:43 PM): Cu ei doi … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:52:56 PM): Shi Katu’ zicea cha mah vrea doar pe mine s.am.d. . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:53:05 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:06 PM): Ca sha ii faem in ciudah lu’ Hordy . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:53:12 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:12 PM): Shi el nu mai shtia ce sha zicah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:19 PM): Zicea cha o sah se roage de tine … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:23 PM): Sah o faci cu el … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:31 PM): Da’ eu am zis cha nu te dau nici pe tine … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:35 PM): Doar pe Dumi .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:41 PM): Insah el n-o voia . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:53:49 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:49 PM): Voia sha o cheme pe Ada … |
sylvercheetah53 (05:53:52 PM): Pe conf .. |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:01 PM): Ca sha ne arate cah cucereshte shi el . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:54:02 PM): era si ea on? =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:10 PM): Era pe celahalt ID . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:18 PM): Dar ii picase netu’ , nu’sh . :-0s |
angie_1878 (05:54:20 PM): ah eu nu am numai unul ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:33 PM): ada_baby_b |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:35 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:43 PM): Dar pe celahlat nu-l shtiu . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:57 PM): Oricum , n-am vb cu ea din decembrie ’05 , deci nu-mi treb’e . :)) |
angie_1878 (05:55:15 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:55:19 PM): eu am vbt cu ea la tel 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:23 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (05:55:28 PM): pe mess mai putin 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:55:32 PM): are voce faina 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:55:33 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:44 PM): Eu cred cha am vb cu ea de vreo 3 ori pe mess . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:48 PM): Mai mult nu . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:55:58 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:56:22 PM): eu ma inteleg bine cu ea ;)) |
angie_1878 (05:56:22 PM): poate ma intal cu ei la vara :-S |
angie_1878 (05:56:23 PM): nush 😐 |
angie_1878 (05:56:23 PM): adica cu ea :)) |
angie_1878 (05:56:29 PM): sa vad in ce perioada vin 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:56:32 PM): si cu katu maybe 😀 |
angie_1878 (05:56:34 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:18 PM): Pey chiar a venit vorba de asta . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:25 PM): De intalnirile cu Katu’ . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:57:47 PM): Cah zicea Hordy pe conf cah eu mah intalnesc cu Katu’ cnad ii cresc lui pene . :-S |
angie_1878 (05:58:17 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (05:58:21 PM): adica never 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:30 PM): Poate are deja pene . 😛 |
angie_1878 (05:58:31 PM): nu ma mir 8-| |
angie_1878 (05:58:34 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:35 PM): Nu l-am verificat . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (05:58:55 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:31:00): Ioiiiii hordy_mulberry (01:31:03): Blat =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:31:03): >:D< suflet_tacut (01:31:05): hello baietii:*:* suflet_tacut (01:31:07): >:D< >:D< hordy_mulberry (01:31:09): Bueyy mah lasi sa fac secs cu katu ? suflet_tacut (01:31:11): sylv 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:31:12): Vreau secs . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:31:17): Mahhh sylvercheetah53 (01:31:20): Katu’ . 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:31:24): Mah lasi sa fac cu katu secs ? hordy_mulberry (01:31:26): 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:31:29): [-X suflet_tacut (01:31:31): Sylv ma dai? 🙁 sylvercheetah53 (01:31:31): [-X hordy_mulberry (01:31:35): Ea a zis ca dak mah lasi tu vrea 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:59:11 PM): suflet_tacut (01:31:37): eu vreau numai cu tine 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:31:39): Nu e voie . [-( hordy_mulberry (01:31:40): Capoi si eo te las cu kris 😀 suflet_tacut (01:31:49): asa #:-S sylvercheetah53 (01:31:50): Nu vrea decat cu mine , auyzi . :-> hordy_mulberry (01:32:01): Dak nu ca sa mah rog de kris =(( sylvercheetah53 (01:32:04): Sorry pt tine . 🙁 suflet_tacut (01:32:12): mersi Sylv 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:32:15): Nu te las nici cu ea . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:32:18): Nu-i nik … o sa mah rog de kris 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:59:27 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:32:19): Cu nicunja . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:32:21): pt asta primesti ceva in plus 😛 sylvercheetah53 (01:32:27): mc :-* sylvercheetah53 (01:32:34): Eu doau , tu zero . :-S hordy_mulberry (01:32:40): Buey da mah omoara ranjetele astea =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:32:42): Sorry pt U bro . 🙁 hordy_mulberry (01:32:45): Eo o am pe ada 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:32:51): :-S hordy_mulberry (01:32:52): Nanananaa nanaaa :> hordy_mulberry (01:32:54): Si pe tya 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:32:58): Pe Ada o are ady , :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (05:59:41 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:33:06): Neee… le impartim :> sylvercheetah53 (01:33:07): Tu na-i nik . 🙁 suflet_tacut (01:33:10): si pe tya tot el hordy_mulberry (01:33:11): Si eo o am pe miha 😀 suflet_tacut (01:33:11): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:33:14): Imi pare rahu pt tine . :(( hordy_mulberry (01:33:22): Eo o am pe miha :D/ hordy_mulberry (01:33:24): 😡 suflet_tacut (01:33:25): care miha hordy? suflet_tacut (01:33:26): ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:33:28): Las’ cha gahseshti tu pe cineva . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:00:14 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:33:32): Nevastamea de aici :> hordy_mulberry (01:33:36): Din Bistrita 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:33:37): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:33:47): vezi Sylv mami….are si el una sylvercheetah53 (01:33:49): Pey ai noroc cha nu m-a cunoscut . :)) suflet_tacut (01:33:50): si ii ajunge ;;) suflet_tacut (01:33:54): =)) hordy_mulberry (01:33:58): CA dadea fata in boale =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:34:04): Are noroc Hordy , ahsta . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:34:20): sa nu te duci la Bistrita… [-X sylvercheetah53 (01:34:23): Eu cum le prind , cum le … cunosc . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:00:29 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:34:26): 8-> suflet_tacut (01:34:32): k lasi baiatu fara nevasta si pe mine fara tine >:P sylvercheetah53 (01:34:37): Dacah mah duc , e prahpahd . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:34:37): Ti-o dau pe soacramea 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:34:49): Thanks , but no thanks . :-S hordy_mulberry (01:34:59): Are numa 36 mah … mai poate 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:35:00): Deshi cred cah ash cuceri-o shi p’aia . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:35:16): Pe aia klar 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:35:16): Nu’sh de ce imi e asha de ushoir sah cucerersc fomei . 😕 sylvercheetah53 (01:35:31): Sunt un fel de Don Juan . :-> sylvercheetah53 (01:35:34): 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:00:45 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:35:40): Pt ca toate te place .. toate te vrea … cica le place destinctia ta :D/ sylvercheetah53 (01:35:49): :-> suflet_tacut (01:35:49): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:35:56): Sunt prea bun pt. lumea asta . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:35:59): place la mine 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:36:13): Katu nu iti mai raspund la tel … [-( sylvercheetah53 (01:36:18): Hordy , dacah ai vreo problemah cu fomeile , potzi apela cu incredere la frahtzioru’ tahu . ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:36:25): 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:36:34): Nu mai vbesc la tel cu katu [-( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:01:02 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:36:43): VB eu . 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:36:48): Uitah de tine . :)) suflet_tacut (01:36:49): de ce Hordy? hordy_mulberry (01:36:51): Tu n-ai tel :)) sylvercheetah53 (01:37:01): La ce-0i mai treb’e Hordy , dacah are Sylv” ? :-S hordy_mulberry (01:37:03): Pt ca … nu vrei sa facem secs =(( sylvercheetah53 (01:37:08): [-X sylvercheetah53 (01:37:13): Nu e voie . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:37:15): ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:37:17): E virginah . ;)) hordy_mulberry (01:37:22): E pe dreq 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:37:28): :-S hordy_mulberry (01:37:33): Dak nici de asta nu te-ai apucat … lasa pe altu hordy_mulberry (01:37:34): =)) suflet_tacut (01:37:36): poftim????????? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:01:12 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:37:38): Care e in stare :> hordy_mulberry (01:37:41): Adik pe mine :> sylvercheetah53 (01:37:50): Tu eshti virgin . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:37:56): Eo nu … tu da 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:37:57): :D/ sylvercheetah53 (01:38:00): :”> suflet_tacut (01:38:02): Sylv….dai din casa? sylvercheetah53 (01:38:07): Ce shtii tu . 😛 hordy_mulberry (01:38:11): >:P sylvercheetah53 (01:38:13): Uratule >:P hordy_mulberry (01:38:16): Iar mah lingi in gat ? hordy_mulberry (01:38:16): :)) hordy_mulberry (01:38:19): Grasule :> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:01:28 PM): suflet_tacut (01:38:19): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:38:20): :-S hordy_mulberry (01:38:22): Fatalaule :> suflet_tacut (01:38:24): Frumosilor 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:38:24): :D/ hordy_mulberry (01:38:29): Eo is urat :> sylvercheetah53 (01:38:31): Hordy deja a trecut la bahietzi . :-S hordy_mulberry (01:38:39): Eo le iubesc pe toate :> suflet_tacut (01:38:40): :-SS hordy_mulberry (01:38:41): Odata 😀 suflet_tacut (01:38:46): si pe toti? :-SS sylvercheetah53 (01:38:46): Dacah n-are succes la fomei . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:01:42 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:38:56): Katu … tine departe 😡 suflet_tacut (01:39:05): ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:39:07): :-S sylvercheetah53 (01:39:15): Prea tarziu pt tine . 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:39:25): Acuma Sylv’ e la putere . :-> hordy_mulberry (01:39:26): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:39:29): da 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:39:32): Am zis linisteeeeeeeeee sylvercheetah53 (01:39:32): Ce linishte ? :-S hordy_mulberry (01:39:32): :> hordy_mulberry (01:39:35): :D/ sylvercheetah53 (01:39:38): 😡 suflet_tacut (01:39:44): il am pe Sylv si nu mai am nevoie de nimic 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:01:56 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:39:47): Toate mah place … toate mah vrea 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:40:00): Ai ‘zut , nu-i mai treb’e nik . :-> sylvercheetah53 (01:40:11): Sylv’ rules big time . B-) sylvercheetah53 (01:40:14): 8-> hordy_mulberry (01:40:21): inca nu … ca inca mai e virgina … dar sa satura de feciorie 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:40:31): Nu mai vreau sah fiu asha cuceritor . :(( sylvercheetah53 (01:40:39): E greu . 🙁 hordy_mulberry (01:40:48): Nu plange … hordy_mulberry (01:40:52): Ca-mi rade inima :> sylvercheetah53 (01:40:53): Cum fac eu fatzah la 10 milioane de fomei ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:01:58 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:02:01 PM): interesant 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:02:05 PM): da de ce`mi dai mey :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:02:15 PM): Ca sah te amuzi . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:02:19 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:40:58): Nu vreau sa te vad trist ca mah amuz :c hordy_mulberry (01:41:00): 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:41:05): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:41:14): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:41:26): Lau Hordy sylvercheetah53 (01:41:28): Tzi-o dau pe Dumi , dacah vrei . ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:41:33): P’aia n-0o vreau . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:41:33): =)) hordy_mulberry (01:41:41): [-( suflet_tacut (01:41:46): e singura care nu o vrei? hordy_mulberry (01:41:48): O aduk pe ada pe confe 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:41:59): Este online ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:02:30 PM): suflet_tacut (01:42:05): nu e hordy_mulberry (01:42:08): E 😀 suflet_tacut (01:42:10): i`a picat netu sylvercheetah53 (01:42:11): Nici la mine . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:42:14): Pe celalalt id 😀 suflet_tacut (01:42:23): am vb aq cateva min la tel cu ea sylvercheetah53 (01:42:29): 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:42:29): Ehhh la mine e 😀 suflet_tacut (01:42:34): pei si la mine e hordy_mulberry (01:42:35): O sa intre sa vedeti 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:42:38): Tu eshti mai cu motz . :)) hordy_mulberry (01:42:46): Eo mi’s ardelean :> suflet_tacut (01:42:50): dar a picat…i`a dat eroare sylvercheetah53 (01:42:57): Dacah vreu , tzi-o suflu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:02:43 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:43:01): :-> hordy_mulberry (01:43:07): Nu poti :> hordy_mulberry (01:43:10): >:P sylvercheetah53 (01:43:11): =)) hordy_mulberry (01:43:14): :D/ suflet_tacut (01:43:14): ;)) suflet_tacut (01:43:21): copii rai sylvercheetah53 (01:43:21): Nu e nik ce nu poate face Sylv’ . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:43:27): Baa :”> hordy_mulberry (01:43:30): Sa faca secs :> suflet_tacut (01:43:31): e ora 2 eu la 6:30 tre sa ma desteptez sylvercheetah53 (01:43:32): Mai ales cand vine vb de fomei . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:02:56 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:43:32): :”> suflet_tacut (01:43:39): intrebarea e…ma mai bag sa dorm? :)) sylvercheetah53 (01:43:43): Aia crezi tu . 😛 hordy_mulberry (01:43:44): Eo la 7 merg sa fac la una un pc hordy_mulberry (01:43:48): Mah plateste bine 😡 suflet_tacut (01:43:54): in natura? sylvercheetah53 (01:43:56): In naturah ? :-S hordy_mulberry (01:43:57): 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:44:02): Alea is detalii 8-> sylvercheetah53 (01:44:09): :-S sylvercheetah53 (01:44:17): Ii fac eu pc . >:) suflet_tacut (01:44:17): la bunica inflorise ciresu8-> hordy_mulberry (01:44:26): Pana se instaleaza winu ihi dau 3 numere 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:03:10 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:44:32): Itzi fu* toate fomeile . ;)) suflet_tacut (01:44:38): sylv….mi`l faci si mie? suflet_tacut (01:44:40): 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:44:41): fut sau fur ? :-O sylvercheetah53 (01:44:42): Numere de telefon , poate . :)) suflet_tacut (01:44:54): =)) hordy_mulberry (01:45:00): Katu ? pcu ? hordy_mulberry (01:45:01): 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:45:07): Tzi-l fac dahca mah plahteshti cum il palhteshte fahtuca aia pe Hordy . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:45:07): da suflet_tacut (01:45:16): in natura? 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:45:19): Adik el vrea sa nu mai fii vergina :> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:03:26 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:45:24): Yep . 😡 suflet_tacut (01:45:26): ok…se rezolva sylvercheetah53 (01:45:30): 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:45:36): 😉 suflet_tacut (01:45:37): a inflorit corcodusu din fata ;;) suflet_tacut (01:45:49): si am adus si garofitze de la tara hordy_mulberry (01:45:50): Sylv te-ai scos 😉 sylvercheetah53 (01:45:53): Ce ushor fac eu rost de secs . ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:46:06): Sigur cah mah scot merweu . :-> suflet_tacut (01:46:07): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:03:38 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:46:21): Cine shtie , cunoashte . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:46:23): Dc razi fomeie hordy_mulberry (01:46:24): ? sylvercheetah53 (01:46:25): :-> hordy_mulberry (01:46:26): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:46:26): hordy…ai uitat un amanunt 😛 hordy_mulberry (01:46:34): Hordy nu uita nik [-( sylvercheetah53 (01:46:39): Lasah’l cah e micutz . :)) suflet_tacut (01:46:44): Constanta iti spune ceva? ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:46:48): :-> hordy_mulberry (01:46:49): Katu .. hordy_mulberry (01:46:52): Sylv iti spune ceva ? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:03:56 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:46:53): 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:46:54): :-> suflet_tacut (01:46:59): da =)) multe :> sylvercheetah53 (01:47:04): I spu multe , stay relax . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:47:10): O sa se vada cu tine … cand mi-or creste mie pene pe spate 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:47:15): E totu’ aranjat . ;)) suflet_tacut (01:47:20): exact ;;) sylvercheetah53 (01:47:32): Eshti plin de pene . :-S suflet_tacut (01:47:35): am facut planurile deja ;;) hordy_mulberry (01:47:37): Katu da eo tot vin si te violez odata :> sylvercheetah53 (01:47:43): [-X sylvercheetah53 (01:47:47): E luatah . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:47:53): tre sa treci de Sylv mai intai 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:04:09 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:47:58): E simplu 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:48:01): :-> suflet_tacut (01:48:02): nu e hordy_mulberry (01:48:03): Ihi arat playbi :> suflet_tacut (01:48:07): iti zic eu 😛 hordy_mulberry (01:48:08): *playboy ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:48:09): Eu fac legile . B-) sylvercheetah53 (01:48:38): Sylv’ = Don Juanh . :-> suflet_tacut (01:48:47): 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:48:54): 😡 suflet_tacut (01:48:56): uite k a iesit Ada suflet_tacut (01:48:57): 😛 hordy_mulberry (01:49:00): Acu da 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:49:00): 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:49:14): Hordy a rahma singurel shi neconsolat . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:04:23 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:49:24): Cu ce sah il ajutahm ? :(( hordy_mulberry (01:49:28): Daaa 8-> sylvercheetah53 (01:49:34): Uite , mah ofer eu . :-S hordy_mulberry (01:49:35): nu vreau nik de la voi [-( sylvercheetah53 (01:49:52): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:49:55): eu dadeam vin..pasca…cozonac suflet_tacut (01:49:58): nu vrei? sylvercheetah53 (01:50:01): Eu cu Katu’ vom face secs . ;)) hordy_mulberry (01:50:05): Si eo vroiam slanina si ceapa =(( suflet_tacut (01:50:09): 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:50:12): 😡 suflet_tacut (01:50:34): ne`am ales 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:50:38): Eu zic cah e evident . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:04:38 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:50:41): 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:51:07): Bueyyy sunt invadatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt sylvercheetah53 (01:51:16): De cine ? :-S suflet_tacut (01:51:21): :-SS hordy_mulberry (01:51:28): Sti dumnezo ca nush 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:51:37): :-w hordy_mulberry (01:52:08): :_” hordy_mulberry (01:52:13): :”- hordy_mulberry (01:52:15): :-” sylvercheetah53 (01:52:19): :-> sylvercheetah53 (01:52:23): 8-> suflet_tacut (01:52:25): ;;) hordy_mulberry (01:52:28): Bueyy am papat cam mult sylvercheetah53 (01:52:30): ;;) hordy_mulberry (01:52:41): Salnina ingrasa ? :-SS hordy_mulberry (01:52:46): *Slanina ? sylvercheetah53 (01:52:48): Nope . 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:53:07): Tu mahnancah toatah slahnina din lum,e shi eu rahman cu toate fetele . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:04:54 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:53:22): :-> hordy_mulberry (01:53:23): Ehh dak ai sti cate din ele au slanina 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:53:29): :-S hordy_mulberry (01:53:30): Sylv mie ihmi ajunge una 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:53:35): Ti le las pe restu tie 😡 sylvercheetah53 (01:53:42): mc >:D< sylvercheetah53 (01:53:47): Eshti un drahgutz . ;)) suflet_tacut (01:53:53): ;)) suflet_tacut (01:53:59): ce imparteala sylvercheetah53 (01:54:01): Eu le vreau pe Katu’ shi Kris . Atat . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:54:11): Hai mah … numa atat ? 😐 sylvercheetah53 (01:54:15): Restu’ nu-mi trteb;e nici mie . [-( suflet_tacut (01:54:17): 😡 :”> sylvercheetah53 (01:54:24): I le cedez lu’ Mircea . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:54:29): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:54:34): Eu mah multzumesc cu doauh . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:08 PM): suflet_tacut (01:54:40): pana vine mircea in Romania sa le ia…. hordy_mulberry (01:54:42): De mah vede Miha ca vbesc de femei … ihmi da cu tava in cap 😐 suflet_tacut (01:54:43): :”> :”> suflet_tacut (01:54:51): eu ma multumesc cu tine Sylv sylvercheetah53 (01:54:57): :-> hordy_mulberry (01:54:58): Si nu ma mai primeste la ea 😐 suflet_tacut (01:55:01): sa o iau si eu pe Kriss? ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:55:08): Yep . 😀 suflet_tacut (01:55:11): k sa fie trinunghiul legat? ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:55:17): Treb’e sha mah primeshti cu tot cu ea . :)) sylvercheetah53 (01:55:24): Secs in 3 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:22 PM): hordy_mulberry (01:55:24): :)) sylvercheetah53 (01:55:38): Secs cu Katu’ shi Kris . 😡 hordy_mulberry (01:55:56): Fa topic hordy_mulberry (01:55:59): Nu ai ambitie 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:56:04): Nu mah lasha Kris . 🙁 hordy_mulberry (01:56:23): Poate ca kris nu vrea secs 😀 suflet_tacut (01:56:23): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:56:28): =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:56:41): Cum naiba sah existe fomeia aia care sah nu vrea secs cu mine ? :)) suflet_tacut (01:56:45): Sylv eu zic sa vb cu ea suflet_tacut (01:56:46): ;;) sylvercheetah53 (01:56:59): Pey i-am propus , dar nu a vrut . 🙁 hordy_mulberry (01:57:07): No copii eo vah las sa faceti secs … :> hordy_mulberry (01:57:18): Merg la nanik ca unii mai merg si la munca =(( sylvercheetah53 (01:57:18): Pey oricum facem . :)) sylvercheetah53 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:34 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:57:35): 8-> hordy_mulberry (01:57:41): Klar 😀 sylvercheetah53 (01:57:45): Secsu’ plake la mine . :-> suflet_tacut (01:57:49): Hordy si eu merg la scoala hordy_mulberry (01:57:49): Mai ales pe burta goalaa hordy_mulberry (01:57:56): Ca dak e si plina 😀 suflet_tacut (01:57:58): dar nah…mai dureaza pana la 6 sylvercheetah53 (01:58:00): Probabil . 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:58:02): Poate deranjati fetii 😀 suflet_tacut (01:58:13): ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:58:18): A ajuns clipiu’ ? :-S hordy_mulberry (01:58:26): De vreo ora =)) sylvercheetah53 (01:58:30): :-> sylvercheetah53 (01:58:35): Itzi plake ? 😀 hordy_mulberry (01:58:42): Nu lam deschis … [-X hordy_mulberry (01:58:44): [-( sylvercheetah53 (01:58:46): >:P hordy_mulberry (01:58:50): >:P sylvercheetah53 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:47 PM): sylvercheetah53 (01:59:04): :”> sylvercheetah53 (01:59:19): SAH mah scuze Katu’ shi Kris cha le inshel cu tine . :)) hordy_mulberry (01:59:19): De mai faci asa o data ihmi dau hainele jos :”> suflet_tacut (01:59:23): :”> eu nu ma uit hordy_mulberry (01:59:32): Katu … cu spatele un pic … sylvercheetah53 (01:59:32): Nici eu . :-S hordy_mulberry (01:59:33): ;)) sylvercheetah53 (01:59:37): 😀 suflet_tacut (01:59:38): =)) hordy_mulberry (01:59:46): Avem ceva afacer de vorbit 😉 sylvercheetah53 (01:59:50): Ia-mah incet Hordy . :-S hordy_mulberry (02:00:04): Stii tu … busynes … chestii de barbati sylvercheetah53 (02:00:07): Cah nu mah pricep . :)) hordy_mulberry (02:00:18): Sylv eo cred ca ai scapat iar sapunul pe jos :”> sylvercheetah53 (02:00:23): :-S hordy_mulberry (02:0 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:05:58 PM): sylvercheetah53 (02:00:32): Nope . [-( hordy_mulberry (02:00:40): Hai no … numa putin 😀 sylvercheetah53 (02:00:40): Imi dai putzha dacha mah aplec . :(( suflet_tacut (02:00:40): nu nu [-X hordy_mulberry (02:00:47): Daa 😡 hordy_mulberry (02:00:50): Putzoaie :> sylvercheetah53 (02:00:51): :-S sylvercheetah53 (02:01:06): Nu pot acum , cah sutn ocupat . 😀 hordy_mulberry (02:01:16): No bine am zburaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttt :-h sylvercheetah53 (02:01:22): A scahpat Katu’ sahpunu shi tre’ sah o supervizez . ;)) hordy_mulberry (02:01:33): Facetio protejat … inchideti usa :-h hordy_mulberry (02:01:36): :* sylvercheetah53 (02:01:37): Take care >:D< sylvercheetah53 (02:01:45): :-* |
angie_1878 (06:06:01 PM): nu mai imi da ca am pierdut sirul mey :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:01 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:06:05 PM): in plus nu ma intere 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:20 PM): L-am aranjat pe Hordy . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:37 PM): Eu’s Don Juan . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:40 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:06:42 PM): clar =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:06:53 PM): Sunt prea cuceritor . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:00 PM): E prera ushor pt. mine . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:07:18 PM): cica sex cu katu si kris =)) |
angie_1878 (06:07:21 PM): poate cu katu 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:07:22 PM): kris [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:30 PM): Am primit mass . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:07:38 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:41 PM): aditucu_ciurea: :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:44 PM): Ce fac ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:07:49 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:07:56 PM): nu`mi pasda de ady 8-| |
angie_1878 (06:07:58 PM): pasa* |
sylvercheetah53 (06:07:59 PM): Sau poate nu emass . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:08:06 PM): Dar nu’sh dacah o shti cha sunt . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:08:13 PM): N-am intrat decat cu tine . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:08:41 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:08:41 PM): Oare sah vb ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:09:03 PM): Secs in 3 . 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:09:09 PM): Ce zici , te incumetzi ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:09:18 PM): eu nu fac secs in trei 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:09:23 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (06:09:37 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:09:56 PM): fa cu cine poti si tu :)) 0 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:09:57 PM): Dar Katu’ vrea cu tine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:10:00 PM): cu cine iti merge =)) |
angie_1878 (06:10:03 PM): eu nu vreau cu eea 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:10:07 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (06:10:10 PM): adica eu nu fac secs cu fete 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:10:16 PM): nici macar in gluma nu zic asa ceva 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:10:18 PM): sorry 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:10:44 PM): Dar nu trebuie sha faci mai nik cu ea , eu vah aranjez pe amandouah , tre’ doar sha fii prezentah . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:10:47 PM): :”> |
angie_1878 (06:11:07 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:11:11 PM): :”> |
angie_1878 (06:11:24 PM): nu umblu cu tipi care umbla cu doua 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:11:25 PM): Secsu’ e bun la slahbit . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:11:27 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:11:29 PM): nu`mi pasa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:11:34 PM): Nu’tzi mai treb’e salah . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:11:40 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:11:41 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:11:47 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:11:51 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:11:59 PM): mey pe bune nu mai glumi cu faze de astea 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:23 PM): Adicah sah lahsahm glumele shi sha trecem la fapte , nu ? ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:12:28 PM): :”> |
angie_1878 (06:12:32 PM): 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:18 PM): Las’ cah mahcar nu primeshte nicic Hordy . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:25 PM): Tot e o consolare . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:13:37 PM): nu primeste ce? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:13:51 PM): Secs cu tine . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:14:06 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:14:24 PM): Dacah vrea , i-o dau pe Dumi . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:14:38 PM): Ori pe Garo . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:14:51 PM): Las’ cha nu e asha urat Garo . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:03 PM): Eu zic cah i se potriveshte lu’ Hordy . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:19 PM): Ai luat ban pe garesso’ ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:15:24 PM): eu? 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:15:27 PM): de ce? 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:15:31 PM): trebuia sa iau? 😀 😀 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:41 PM): Pey da , cah shi eu iau peste tot . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:46 PM): E shi randu’ tahu . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:15:48 PM): 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:15:57 PM): Sah moarah shi capra vecinului . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (06:16:00 PM): :”> |
angie_1878 (06:16:20 PM): whatever … |
sylvercheetah53 (06:16:51 PM): Te-au supahrat ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:08 PM): Tahiem nasu’ cui se supahrah . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:17:20 PM): sa ma supere cine? :)) |
angie_1878 (06:17:26 PM): da normal ca suparata 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:28 PM): Eu . :(( |
angie_1878 (06:17:31 PM): mi`a mers groaznic la scoala 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:39 PM): Sorry 4 U . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:17:47 PM): Eu tzi-am zis sah chiuleshti . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:17:50 PM): thanks :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:18:19 PM): Asha se intampalh de la prea multah shcoalh . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:18:47 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:18:52 PM): sau din prea putin invatat 😉 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:19:07 PM): Niciodatah nu e prea putzin . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:19:11 PM): Doar prea mult . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:20:00 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:20:04 PM): da nu 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:29 PM): Las’ cah tot pune Bin Laden bomba intr-o zi . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:35 PM): Numa’ sah nu fii in shcolah . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:20:38 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:20:43 PM): daca astept dupa el 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:20:49 PM): Ar fi pahcat sha mori asha tinericah . :(( |
angie_1878 (06:20:50 PM): imbatrnesc asteptandu`l 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:21:27 PM): Tu nu imbahtraneshti . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:21:42 PM): Tineretze fahrah bahtrtanetze , viatzh fahra de moarter . :D/ |
angie_1878 (06:21:52 PM): da nu ca o sa fiu vesnica 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:30 PM): O sah trahieshti miliarde de ani , panah o sha te plictiseshti shi o sha vrei tu sah nu mai fii nemuritoare . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:47 PM): Sah vii la inmormantarea mea . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:50 PM): :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:22:54 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:23:16 PM): doamne fereste 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:22 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:36 PM): Sunt cahutat de mafie . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:23:37 PM): e interesant pe forum :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:44 PM): Nu se shtie ce imi vor face . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:51 PM): Ce anume e interesant ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:23:58 PM): Ce atzi mai ‘cut ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:01 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:24:03 PM): eu nik 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:24:07 PM): posteazalume interesanta 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:24:17 PM): te las sa afli singur :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:31 PM): Ce lume interesantah ? Hordy ? Mircea ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:24:48 PM): Mahrmahrutzah . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:25:00 PM): nups 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:25:01 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:25:10 PM): Useri noi ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:25:30 PM): si useri noi si mai vechi :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:26:06 PM): Eh , v-atzi pus acum pe treabh , profitatzi cha eu nu’s . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:26:19 PM): „Cand pisica nu-i acasah , shoarecii joacha pe masah . ” :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:09 PM): Cred cah poimaine reinstalez win . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:11 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:28 PM): Sper sah nu uit sha salvez arhiva . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:27:40 PM): Cah data trecutaH am uitat , shi am shters-o . :(( |
angie_1878 (06:27:48 PM): nush eu nu scriu 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:28:06 PM): Unde nu scrii ? Pe garso’ ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:28:16 PM): yep 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:28:18 PM): rar 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:28:22 PM): D C ? :(( |
angie_1878 (06:28:55 PM): nush 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:29:15 PM): Poate ne trahdezi cu alte forumuri . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (06:29:18 PM): 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:29:33 PM): PE „Acasah” ai mai sris ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:30:03 PM): nup nu scriu pe altele 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:30:54 PM): Nu scrii nici pe cel al Tyei , cel al Robotikahi shi cel al Katutzei ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:31:19 PM): nup 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:31:32 PM): Nici pe „Derbedei X” n-ai mai scris ? Asta e bine . :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (06:31:39 PM): Mah enervba cha e Eris3d . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:31:39 PM): nups n`am mai scris 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:10 PM): Era pkt sah te iroseshti pe alte forumuri . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:22 PM): Garso ‘ e cel mai bun . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:32:37 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:32:44 PM): bine ai zis ca e pacat sa ma ironesec :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:32:54 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:05 PM): Pey eu tot ce zic e bine zis . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:08 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (06:33:30 PM): da 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:37 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:49 PM): Asta ai zis-o fahrah shpagah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:33:53 PM): mc >:D< |
angie_1878 (06:33:56 PM): mai vroiam sa zic ceva 8-„| |
angie_1878 (06:33:58 PM): 8-| |
angie_1878 (06:34:08 PM): dar eu ma tin de promisiuni 😉 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:19 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:38 PM): Probabil eu oi fi promis ceva , shi n-am respectat . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:51 PM): Ce mah seacah cand cineva face asta . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:34:56 PM): Including me . :-S |
angie_1878 (06:35:15 PM): :)) |
angie_1878 (06:35:15 PM): eu nu am facut repros 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:35:15 PM): numai am zis 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (06:35:26 PM): Nu’sh , in general incerc sah-mi tzin promisiunile . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:35:38 PM): Dar sigur , in mahsura in care shi pot . 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:36:07 PM): mie nu mi`ai facut promisiuni :)) |
angie_1878 (06:36:09 PM): lucky you 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:36:14 PM): urasc pers care nu se tin :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:36:43 PM): Nici chiar cha le urahshti , doar te deranjeazah un piculetzishor la astfel de faze . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:36:49 PM): Sau nu’sh . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:36:54 PM): Zic shi eu asha . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:37:01 PM): Ca sha mah scap pe mine . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:37:16 PM): Fiindcah probil nu reushesc mereu sah imi tzin cuv dat . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:37:23 PM): Deshi ash vrerau . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:37:35 PM): Dar din pahcate , una e sha vrei , alta sha potai . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (06:38:10 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:38:17 PM): pey mie nu mi`ai promis nik =)) |
angie_1878 (06:38:20 PM): nici nu ai ce 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:39:38 PM): Ba ash putea promite multe , dar n-are rost pt. cah nu pot shti dacah m-ash putea tzine de cuvant . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:39:50 PM): Oricum , mah bucur cah n-am ‘cut-o . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:39:57 PM): Ca sah n-am nik pe cap . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:40:14 PM): Doar lu’ Hordy i-am promis ceva . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:40:20 PM): nu`mi pasa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:40:20 PM): Anume cha nu mai dispar . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:42:53 PM): Asearah imi mergea voice . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:43:05 PM): L-am auzit pe Hordy spunand „linishte” . :D/ |
angie_1878 (06:44:12 PM): ;)) ) |
angie_1878 (06:44:37 PM): http://www.garsonieraluimaruta.ro/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1304&start=120 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:44:44 PM): Trebuie sah mai facem shi cu Hordy shi cu Mircea , alea’s faine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:45:00 PM): eru nu vin 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:45:03 PM): eu* |
angie_1878 (06:45:39 PM): si lavi m`a intrebat de tine 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:45:43 PM): ca vorbesc cu ea pe mess 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:45:58 PM): Ar trebui sah vb. cu ea ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:46:36 PM): angie_1878: eru nu vin Nu ai veni pe conf cu mine , Hordy shi Mircea ? 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:46:39 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (06:46:40 PM): nup 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:46:47 PM): Pey fahrah tine n-are farmec . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:46:57 PM): eu ti`am zis doar ca m`a intrebat de tine :)) 0 |
angie_1878 (06:47:01 PM): restul tu stii 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:47:27 PM): Probal mai intai o sah-i las un offline drept rahpsuns , sau nici nu’sh . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:47:32 PM): Sjhi ce i-ai zis ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:48:07 PM): Nu a mai scris Babutza ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:48:44 PM): nup 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:48:48 PM): i`am zis ca o sa revii 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:48:48 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:48:50 PM): si atat 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:48:58 PM): vorbim despre scoala colegi baieti si altele 😀 |
angie_1878 (06:49:02 PM): i`am cerut scuze 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:49:08 PM): Pt. ce ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:50:15 PM): Lavinia A: alina zicea pe o conferitza ca nu ma sufera si mai mereu vb cu ea Lavinia A: a trecem peste … Cristinutza: nimeni nu poate fi influentat Cristinutza: uite stii de ce vroiam sa vorbim Cristinutza: pt ca si mie imi erai nesufarita Cristinutza: dupa ce ai revenit Cristinutza: vroiam sa`mi cer scuze |
sylvercheetah53 (06:50:47 PM): Acum nu-tzi mai e ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:00 PM): Nu’sh … mie mi se pare de treabah . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:51:10 PM): acu vorbesc cu ea 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:51:14 PM): nu judec pers :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:45 PM): Shtiu cah nu judeci , dar dacah zici cah tzi-a fost intr-o vreme nesuferitah , putea sah-tzi fie incontinuare … I guess . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:51:47 PM): 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:52:14 PM): Dacha nu-tzi mai e , nu-tzi mai , asta e , ca sha facme shi rime . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:52:40 PM): nu |
angie_1878 (06:52:48 PM): imi place ca se stie implica intr`o discutie 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:52:53 PM): am vbt mult cu ea :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:52:59 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:08 PM): Eu nu prea . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:17 PM): Am avut discutzii putzine shi scurte . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:25 PM): Dar ea nici nu prea intrah pe mess . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:52 PM): Ca sah nu mai zic de Dragosh . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:53:58 PM): Ahla a dispahrut complet . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:15 PM): Probabil ar trebui chiar sah il shterg . :)) |
angie_1878 (06:54:16 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:54:22 PM): de ala nu`mi pasa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:43 PM): Dar l;ui ii pasah de tine . =(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:48 PM): Dacah ai shti tu … |
sylvercheetah53 (06:54:51 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (06:55:40 PM): =)) )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (06:55:45 PM): mdea bine =)) ))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:25 PM): Mah intreba unu’ pe un alt forum cum am pus „=)” Unii incha nu au de scoprit . 😛 |
angie_1878 (06:56:52 PM): cum am pus =) |
angie_1878 (06:56:53 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (06:56:56 PM): asta/? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (06:56:59 PM): Da . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:57:07 PM): Dar am uitat o parantezah . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:57:38 PM): Tu acum ascultzi „Vine o zi” sau apare greshit la status ? :-S |
angie_1878 (06:58:12 PM): e ti`am dat un inel 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:24 PM): Acuma s-a schimbat . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (06:58:31 PM): Numa’ ca sah mah persecute . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:08 PM): DAcah nu reinstalez bine Win , nu mah mai vedetzi cateva zile . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (06:59:10 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (06:59:32 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:59:37 PM): zi`i lui hordy nu mie 😐 |
angie_1878 (06:59:45 PM): ca mie mi`a ajuns sa fiu la mijloc 8-| |
angie_1878 (06:59:48 PM): thanks 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:04 PM): Pey nu , eu am zis pt tine . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:11 PM): Ca sah shtii tu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:26 PM): adicah bine … sunt slba sperantze sah nu-mi iasah . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:32 PM): Am zis mai mult in glumah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:45 PM): Dacha a mers din prima , din a doua ar trebui sah fie mai ushor . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:00:48 PM): azi nu`mi arde de glume :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:00:50 PM): Acu’ nu’sh . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:00:51 PM): sorry 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:08 PM): Nu-i nik , totzi mai avem zile mai grele . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:14 PM): Nu mah supahr pe tine . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:21 PM): >:D< :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:01:27 PM): E online Bia . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:01:59 PM): o sa am numai zile grele de acu incolo 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:02:01 PM): stiu 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:02:04 PM): a scris si pe forum 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:02:13 PM): De ce sah ai numa’ zile grele ? :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:02:20 PM): Eu vreau sah ai numa’ zile bune . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:02:30 PM): pt ca am teze licrari si altele 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:02:30 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:02:54 PM): Shcoal asta nenorocitah . ~ X( |
angie_1878 (07:03:06 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:03:08 PM): Nu mai scriu cum treb’e . :(( * |
sylvercheetah53 (07:03:54 PM): Probabil cah o sah invit vreo 2-3 de pe alte forumuri la noi , sha nu vah speritzi . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:04:10 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:04:37 PM): Am stat pe ganduri intr-o vreme dacah sah il chem pe FCW , da’ nu m-am riscat . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:05:15 PM): cum fcw? 😐 „ |
angie_1878 (07:05:19 PM): fcw e pe acasa 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:05:21 PM): FineCutWords |
sylvercheetah53 (07:05:23 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:05:41 PM): Shi ce a scris Bia ? :-S A comentat ceva despre critcile aduse ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:05:53 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:05:57 PM): intra si o sa vezi 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:06:02 PM): cum fcw mey? 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:06:06 PM): tu vorbesti cu el 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:06:22 PM): katu katutza: eh…este… katu katutza: dar nu vreau sa mai implic pe nimeni in chestia asta katu katutza: ti`as fi povestit…dar deja stiu 3 pers..si e destul Cristinutza: oki |
angie_1878 (07:06:24 PM): 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:06:34 PM): Pey shtii cah itzi ziceam eu cah o sah-i cer ID-ul shi tu spuneai cha nu ai face-o . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:06:39 PM): Atunci mah gandeam . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:06:41 PM): si i l`ai cerut? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:06:44 PM): ah 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:06:59 PM): N-am mai apucat cha am luat ban . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:07:04 PM): Dar i l-ash fi cerut . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:07:23 PM): oricum a luat si el =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:07:25 PM): In ce nu vrea sah te implice Katu’ ? ;-s |
angie_1878 (07:07:28 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:07:45 PM): ma rog o zis o chestie ca nu mai scrie pe forum si am intrebat`o de ce si a zis ce a zis 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:07:48 PM): ma rog 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:07:57 PM): mie mi se pare neincredere dar oricum nu`mi pasa 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:07:58 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:02 PM): Nu mai scrie pe garso’ ? :-O |
angie_1878 (07:08:06 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:08:08 PM): 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:14 PM): Mie nu mi-a zis . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:08:24 PM): daca vrei sa vorbesti despre problema asta vorbeste cu ea ca eu nush nik :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:40 PM): Oricum , shtii mai mult decat mine . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:08:52 PM): nu nu stiu nimik:”| |
angie_1878 (07:08:56 PM): intreab`o pe ea 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:09:01 PM): i don`t care 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:16 PM): Nu te cred , vrei sah fie forumu’ mai activ . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:09:30 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:09:33 PM): =)) ))) |
angie_1878 (07:09:42 PM): cum crezi 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:10 PM): Inseamnah cah nu . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:18 PM): Tu care tzinerai atat la garso’ . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:23 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:10:34 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:40 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:10:45 PM): asa cum ai zis si tu … |
angie_1878 (07:10:52 PM): se mai schimba relatiile dintre useri 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:11:00 PM): si faza cu scrisu pe garso :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:11 PM): Asta nu se schimbha ever . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:23 PM): Pt. cah mereu mai e mahcar unu’ cu care sah te itnzelegi bine , 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:29 PM): Shi atunci tzii shi la forum . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:33 PM): Presupun . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:11:49 PM): ma rog difera de la pers la persoana :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:54 PM): Nu’sh … eu tzin la garso’ pt. cah altfel nu’sh dacha vah cunoshteam . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:12:01 PM): cand te intelegi bine cu una nu te intelegi bine cu alta si tot asa 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:12:13 PM): da de asta nu mai scrii :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:40 PM): E adevahrat cah n-am mai scris de ceva timp , dar sah shtii cah tot tzin la forumu’ ah;la . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:00 PM): Shi mereu o sah tzin . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:13:13 PM): tu stii 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:40 PM): Oricum , sper sah cah nu te-am supahrat cha nu prea am mai postat . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:48 PM): Probabil cha intr-o zi o sha revin . >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:13:49 PM): nu poti face ce vrei 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:13:56 PM): nu depinzi tu de mine 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:31 PM): Eu zic cah totushi fiind o pers. imp. pt . mine , ai o influentzah destul de mare asupra mea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:15:07 PM): si daca eu zic sa te duci sa te arunci in mare te duci? :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:29 PM): Depinde . 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:42 PM): Dacah nu e apa asha de rece , ne mai gandim . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:15:47 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:49 PM): Uite … |
angie_1878 (07:15:52 PM): bate`n lemn :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:53 PM): De ex…. |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:24 PM): Cand era faza cu Bia , eram decis 100% sah nu mai scriu , dar dup’aia am revenit pt. cah te supahrasei tu . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:36 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:41 PM): Nu’sh … nu pot sha zic cah ash face chiar orice mi-ai cere , da’ oricum , eu zic cah de obicei am incercat pe cat posibil sah itzi satisfac cerintzele . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:43 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:18:17 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:18:33 PM): si ti`am cerut multe? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:18:34 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:49 PM): Pey nu’sh dacha multe . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:58 PM): Probabil in limite rezonabilului . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:21:25 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:22:54 PM): sylvercheetah53: suflet_tacut: suflet_tacut: sylvercheetah53: Aloha . suflet_tacut: ce faci? sylvercheetah53: D C nu mai vrei sah scrii pe garso’ ? sylvercheetah53: Bionishor . suflet_tacut: uff… sylvercheetah53: Tu ? suflet_tacut: o sa`ti povestesc eu sylvercheetah53: mc suflet_tacut: acum trebuie sa ma duc pana la piata….dar cand vin iti zic suflet_tacut: dar nu vreau sa mai afle nimeni sylvercheetah53: Oki doki . suflet_tacut: fiindca numai prietenii mei adevarati stiu…adik adi ada si tya |
sylvercheetah53 (07:22:59 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:23:09 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:23:13 PM): yep mi`am dat seama 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:23:17 PM): oricum nu`mi pasa 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:23:30 PM): prietenii mei adevarati sunt aici :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:23:32 PM): langa mine 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:46 PM): Adicah eu . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:50 PM): mc :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:08 PM): Sper sah fiu bun cu un sfat , un orice … |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:15 PM): Cah la asta e bun un prieten . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:24:30 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:34 PM): Deshi nu’sh dacah sunt eu cel mai in mahsurah sah dau sfaturi altora . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:47 PM): Dar oricum ,,, sper sah itzi fiu un prieten bun . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:24:51 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:57 PM): Cum zic eu cah am fost cat de cat panah acum . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:25:01 PM): nush ce intelegeti voi prin prieteni adevarati 😐 | |
angie_1878 (07:25:04 PM): whatever 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:09 PM): Tu de ex >;d< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:12 PM): >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:19 PM): Eshti un prieten adevahrat . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:25:19 PM): :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:33 PM): Sau prietenah , mah rog . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:27:04 PM): : |
angie_1878 (07:27:06 PM): | 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:27:21 PM): N-am zis bine ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:27:32 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:28:06 PM): pentru mine un prieten e altceva 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:28:07 PM): ma rog 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:28:21 PM): oricum :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:24 PM): Pey adicha tu nu-mi eshti prieten/-ah ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:28:31 PM): faza asta a demonstrat cat de … e katu 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:38 PM): Oricum , nici dushamn sigur nu eshti . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:28:41 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:47 PM): Cum e Katu’ ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:28:47 PM): dusman e altceva 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:28:56 PM): pey 😕 |
angie_1878 (07:29:03 PM): never mind 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:29:09 PM): ca o sa se ajunga la altceva 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:29:12 PM): parca vad =)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:23 PM): N-ai incredere in mine . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:27 PM): Crezi cah ii zic . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:33 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:29:48 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:29:57 PM): nu ma gandeam la altceva 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:29:58 PM): si poti sa`i zici ce ti`am zis 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:30:03 PM): i don`t care :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:07 PM): Pey n-ai mai zis . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:12 PM): Asha cah n-am ce-i zice . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:17 PM): Ai zis doar cah e … |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:19 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:25 PM): N-ai completat . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:36 PM): Nu’sh , eu n-on cunosc incha prea bine . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:49 PM): Nu prea am o pahrere f. bine conturatah despre ea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:30:53 PM): nu curva 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:59 PM): Dar pare destul de afectivah , nu’sh . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:31:00 PM): eu nici nu o sa`mi fac :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:31:04 PM): si punct discutiei 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:22 PM): Oki 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:32:09 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:33:25 PM): Maine nu’s , sunt la mamai’mea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:33:32 PM): oki 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:33:41 PM): nici eu nu`s probabil nu mai intru pana sapt viitoare 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:34:22 PM): D C Asah mult ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:34:41 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:35:14 PM): Pey nu cred cah ai mai lipsit atatea zile . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:35:29 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:12 PM): Adicha inafara zilelor in care itzi luase buni cablul (3) cred cah ai fost cam in fiecare zi . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:36:29 PM): au fost kiar 4 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:36:33 PM): ah si ce conteaza 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:57 PM): Pey pt. mine conteazah , cah nu te mai vahd pe mess . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:37:35 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:37:41 PM): pey sa te obisnuiesti 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:37:55 PM): Nu-mi place ce zicvi . >:P |
angie_1878 (07:38:02 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:05 PM): Suntetzi lahi . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:38:19 PM): suntem? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:30 PM): Tu shi Hordy . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:38:35 PM): :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:38:43 PM): nush cum e hordy 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:43 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:57 PM): E lahu . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:40:36 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:50 PM): Il ador . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:40:53 PM): probabil ca e mai bine asa decat sa fii bun tot timpul :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:59 PM): This –- > 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:03 PM): Il ador . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:09 PM): Mustahcilah . :D/ |
angie_1878 (07:41:11 PM): ye si eu 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:12 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:21 PM): Eu vi l-am transimis . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:25 PM): :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:32 PM): Si tzie shi klu’ Mircea . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:39 PM): Tzie la inceput nu-tzi plahcea . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:41:39 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:46 PM): Mah bucur cha il foloseshti . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:46 PM): yep nici acu nu`mi place :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:53 PM): Cah e simpatic . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:42:02 PM): Adicha , e cam preferatu’ meu . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:42:23 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:42:51 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:44:00 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:44:26 PM): Shi pqanah la urmah de ce nu vei mai intra panah sahpt (a)viitoare ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:44:50 PM): =)) ))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:46:10 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:48:04 PM): am cazut =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:48:07 PM): macar de nu`si mai revean 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:48:11 PM): revenea* |
angie_1878 (07:48:16 PM): pey da probabil ca da 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:48:24 PM): sau probabil ca nu voi mai intra deloc 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:48:29 PM): vad cum merge treaba :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:48:43 PM): si sa nu fii sad pe chestia asta 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:48:55 PM): si daca o sa fii o sa`ti treaca 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:49:05 PM): cu timpul toate trec ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:49:06 PM): 😉 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:21 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:36 PM): D C una , doau shi tu shi Hordy spunetzi cha nu vetzi mai intra ? :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:42 PM): Cu cew v-am greshit ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:49:48 PM): nu`mi pasa de ce motive are hordy 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:53 PM): Am incercat mereu sha vah fac pe plac . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:49:57 PM): nici lui nu cred ca`i pasa daca mai intru ori ba :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:50:09 PM): Adicha eshti certatah cu el ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:50:42 PM): nup 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:50:51 PM): dar am o presimtire :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:50:57 PM): nu de cearta e vorba 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:51:01 PM): ca vah vetzi ceerta ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:51:09 PM): n`avem de la ce sa ne certam 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:51:20 PM): nu numai vreau sa`mi fie scosi ochii cu diverse chestii 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:51:44 PM): Pey nu cred cah tzi-a rep[roshat nimeni nik mey , stay relax . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:51:49 PM): E totu’ bine . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:51:54 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:01 PM): :-* |
angie_1878 (07:52:01 PM): nush :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:07 PM): pey pana mea 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:52:12 PM): toata lumea ia pauze :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:14 PM): Shi amea . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:52:18 PM): toata lumea sufera :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:52:24 PM): eu de ce nu? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:24 PM): Dar nu definitive . >:P |
angie_1878 (07:52:25 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:52:37 PM): oricum 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:52:49 PM): nu vreau sa zic chestii nashpa :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:53 PM): nu ma face sa vorbesc 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:58 PM): Hai sah zicem , dacah e vorba de cateva zile , poate mai poate fi de intzels cat de cat . :-S Dar definitiv ? >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:13 PM): N u-tzi dau voie . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:53:20 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:26 PM): Ai zic cah nu mah pahrahseshti . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:30 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:39 PM): T%u shi Hordsy – > LAHI . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:53:51 PM): exista o diferenta :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:55 PM): Eu cre’ cah mah pun cu bahtaie pe voi . >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:01 PM): Cah altfel nu se mai poate . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:04 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:54:29 PM): pey 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:34 PM): Era un program cu care se puteau bana anumite cuvinte ori expresii pe mess , da rnu-l mai am . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:54:37 PM): vrei sa`ti zic ca mai intru? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:48 PM): Ash fi banat „numai intru” shi „imi tai netu” . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:12 PM): angie_1878: vrei sa`ti zic ca mai intru? Eu cred cah ai intzeles bine ce vrweau . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:31 PM): Dar nu mah supahr dacha zici . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:33 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:44 PM): Lahi , lahi , lahi . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:13 PM): Ieri era ziua in care era posibil sah imi iau adio de la Hordy , iar azi , aud ce aud . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:31 PM): Mey , dar nu-mi datzi timp nici sah-mi revin . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:40 PM): Nu-sh dacha vouah v-ar plahcea . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:59 PM): „Ce tzie nu-tzi place , altuia nu-i face” . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:04 PM): Shtiu ce vah fac . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:57:16 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:21 PM): De acum inainte cnad mai zicetzi cah nu mai intrtatzi , vah zci „oki doki . 😀 ” >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:27 PM): Sah vedem atunci . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:35 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:57:45 PM): poate nu mai apuci :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:56 PM): Eshti de groazah . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:59 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:15 PM): D C vah purtatzi urat cu mine ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:58:19 PM): stiu mi s`a mai zis 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:58:22 PM): thanks ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:33 PM): Sorry :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:37 PM): >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:02 PM): Da’ de bahtut , tot vha baT . >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:07 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:20 PM): Pe tine shi pe Hordy , cah suntetzi lahi . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:59:59 PM): lasa mey 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:00:05 PM): bine ca te`ai impacat cu hordy 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:24 PM): Asta inseamnah cah tu cu el nu vah impahcatzi prea bine . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:27 PM): Cred . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:44 PM): Las’ cah ai ‘zut shi altahdatah cah lucrurile au revenit la normal . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:50 PM): Chiar tu ziceai ieri : |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:01 PM): „Nu cred cah m-ash putea distantza vreodatah de Hordy” |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:03 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:17 PM): Shi e valabil shi pt. noi doi . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:01:29 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:29 PM): Pt. cha totushi ne shtim de cateva luni bune . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:01:31 PM): yep 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:01:39 PM): nu am nik cu hordy :)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:01:44 PM): si m`am inteles kiar bine 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:01:47 PM): asa mi se parea 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:01:50 PM): nush 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:02:00 PM): acu nu mai vreau sa intru ca numa` imi fac rau :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:20 PM): Fii deschisah … Spune-mi te rog ce te supahrah . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:41 PM): Uneori e bine sah spui ce ai pe suflet … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:45 PM): Sah te descarci … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:47 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:52 PM): Eu asha fahceam . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:03:01 PM): /:) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:03 PM): Dacha aveam probleme cu voi , vorbeam cu cArmy . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:03:05 PM): hai nu serios :)) ))) |
angie_1878 (08:03:14 PM): da cu ea da 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:37 PM): Pey la fel potzi sah faci shi tu … Dacha ai o problemah ceva cu Hory , imi spui mie . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:48 PM): Nu cah ash fi eu magician shi rezolv tot … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:55 PM): Dar e bine sah te descarci . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:01 PM): Eu asha cred . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:08 PM): Dacha tzii in tine , suferi mai mult . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:04:17 PM): nu am nimic cu hordy 😉 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:18 PM): Cel putzin mie imi era de ajutor chestia asrta . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:04:22 PM): daca nu ma crezi 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:04:32 PM): intreaba`l cum ne`am inteles in ultimele dati 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:04:39 PM): doar simt ca e cazul sa ma indepartez 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:04:40 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:45 PM): angie_1878: nu am nik cu hordy ) angie_1878: si m`am inteles kiar bine angie_1878: asa mi se parea |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:47 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:03 PM): De ce sha te indepahrtezi ? :(( |
angie_1878 (08:05:20 PM): poti sa nu`ti mai faci atatea griji? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:24 PM): Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:30 PM): :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:40 PM): Nu pot sha nu-mi fa c grili la asemenea chestii . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:15 PM): angie_1878: acu nu mai vreau sa intru ca numa` imi fac rau |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:28 PM): Cum sah nu-mi fac griji cand aud asemenea lucruri . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:39 PM): Tu nu tzi-ai face ? :-w |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:42 PM): Pey vezi … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:47 PM): SAME RULES . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:07:21 PM): pey tu nu dai ocazia sa te facem sa te razgandesti :)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:07:27 PM): oricum … |
angie_1878 (08:07:38 PM): zi ca nu`ti fac bine zilele in acre stai departe de net implicit de mess 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:56 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:08:20 PM): adica? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:30 PM): Mi-e dor de voi . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:08:38 PM): dar in rest e oki 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:41 PM): Mah gandesc la voi . :”> |
angie_1878 (08:08:42 PM): vezi ca stiam 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:24 PM): Dar una e o micha Puzah , pe care teoretic o pot intzelege , chiar dacah nu mah bucurah , shi alta e defenitiv . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:34 PM): *pauzah |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:36 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:40 PM): Nu putzah . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:09:47 PM): =)) )))))))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:09:53 PM): la ce`ti sta capu 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:59 PM): :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:11 PM): Pey s-a pomenit de Horsy . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:15 PM): :”> :”> |
angie_1878 (08:10:35 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:19 PM): :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* |
angie_1878 (08:11:27 PM): :* |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:56 PM): E npe forum una lyly_sweet ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:14:15 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:14:24 PM): de ce? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:37 PM): Pey mi-a zis Katu’ ceva de ea . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:49 PM): Shi n-am intzeles dacah e doar pe Acasah sau shi pe garso . :-S d |
angie_1878 (08:15:03 PM): nush daca e 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:17:40 PM): Ce defecte are Horsy ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:18:01 PM): nush intreaba`l pe el 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:18:19 PM): Pey eu vreau sah vahd cum il vahd ceilaltzi , cum il vezi tu , nu cum se vede el . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:18:29 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:19:04 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (08:19:16 PM): opinia mea nu conteaza |
sylvercheetah53 (08:19:40 PM): Pey pt mine conteazah . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:19:44 PM): Mey .. |
sylvercheetah53 (08:19:49 PM): Tu eshti supi de ceva .. |
sylvercheetah53 (08:19:53 PM): Eu asha cred . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:04 PM): Hai sah o rezolvahm cumva . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:18 PM): E mai bine sah voerbim deschis . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:38 PM): Spune-mi ce ai pe sufletzel . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:21:49 PM): multe 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:04 PM): Hai mey , de ce nu colaborezi ? 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:18 PM): Poate itzi pot fi de ajutor . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:22:39 PM): nu poti 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:22:46 PM): deja am inceput sa ma cert cu toata lumea 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:07 PM): Eu nu’sh , cah n-am mai citit forumu. :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:15 PM): Shtiu doar de ady cah mi-aio zis tu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:57 PM): Probail ar trebui sah te intzeleagah fiindcah tu chiar dacah ai shi zile mai rele , orice om are , dar asta nu schmbah cine eshti . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:24:10 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:24:14 PM): nu`mi pasa de ady 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:24:19 PM): adica nu`mi mai pasa de el :)) |
angie_1878 (08:24:25 PM): eu nu jignesc cer acelasi lucru 8-| |
angie_1878 (08:24:29 PM): ma rog cer cam mult 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:24:39 PM): cert e ca kiar tre sa iau o pauza 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:50 PM): Inseamnah cha te-a jignot cineva . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:10 PM): Acuma nu’sh dacha pe forum sau mess . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:29 PM): Urat din partea celui care a fahcut-o . >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:41 PM): Dahm bahtaie la nahnahu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:28 PM): Nu-i nik , nu lua inseamah . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:35 PM): Nu pune la inimioarah . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:26:42 PM): nu`mi pasa de jignirile lor 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:26:55 PM): atata timp cat nu sunt adevarate 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:27:15 PM): stefy stefy: stefy stefy: may de sylv ce stii? stefy stefy: nu l-am mai vazut de secole stefy stefy: |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:17 PM): Pey asha shi treeb’e . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:36 PM): Zi-i cah nu prea am mai intrat , 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:27:43 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:27:46 PM): nup 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:27:53 PM): ii raspund in felu meu de data asta :)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:28:02 PM): daca vrei sa`i zici ceva ei zi`i tu 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:28:14 PM): Acu’ nu . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:30:27 PM): Eu vorbesc doar cu 3-4 pe zi , ca sah pot rahspunde cat de cat repede . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:30:37 PM): Asta e , cu unii vb mai rar . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:31:22 PM): Cristinutza: de ce ma intreaba pe mine TOTI de sylv? stefy stefy: sorry may stefy stefy: dar il intrbam pe hordy dak era stefy stefy: si te intreb pt k voi vb mai mult stefy stefy: si pt k am vazut pe forum k ai scris stefy stefy: k o sa posteze in zilele urmatoare stefy stefy: Cristinutza: nu am zis ca in zilele urmatoare Cristinutza: am zis ca o sa revina nush cand Cristinutza: treaba lui Cristinutza: e bine stefy stefy: in fine stefy stefy: nu am vrut sa te supi |
angie_1878 (08:31:23 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:08 PM): Te intreabah pe tine pt. cah shtie lumea cah suntem mai apropiatzi . :D/ |
angie_1878 (08:33:06 PM): stefy stefy: stiu am vazut k sunteti mai prieteni si deaia am intrebat Cristinutza: nu m`ai supi Cristinutza: stai relax stefy stefy: Cristinutza: nu sunt mai prietena ca altii stefy stefy: of sa nu imi zici k cu intrebarea asta am dat-o fix in bara stefy stefy: |
angie_1878 (08:33:12 PM): ce a vrut sa zica cu asta? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:41 PM): Adicha sah nu te fi supahrat pe ea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:34:06 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:34:14 PM): era sa ma cert cu toata lumea >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:35:27 PM): Am dat direct pe „cautah toate mesajele” la Bia , sha nu mai mah chinuiesc . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:36:10 PM): ai intrat pe forum? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:39 PM): RAhmahsese deshcis de la link-ul pe care mi l-ai dat . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:46 PM): Shi m-am dus la prima paginah … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:59 PM): Am dat click pe numele ei de unde sunt scrishi moderatorii … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:07 PM): Shi apoi „cautah toate mesajele” . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:27 PM): Acuma a screis , nu mai am argumantu; ahasta . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:43 PM): Pana mea ,,, nu mai scap de asta . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:37:55 PM): ha? |
angie_1878 (08:37:56 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:11 PM): Da’ dacah o sah mai scriu vreodatah , o sah ii rahspund urat , sorry , dar e decizia mea . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:39:27 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:39:30 PM): eu oricum … |
angie_1878 (08:39:32 PM): aaa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:51 PM): „Eu oricum nu mai scriu” . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:59 PM): Asta ai vrut sha zicvi . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:09 PM): Defapt ai shi zis , nu odar ai vrut . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:25 PM): Tu care tzii atat la garso’ . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:37 PM): Shi erai sad cand nu mai aveai net shi nu puteai posta . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:44 PM): Ai scris de la shcoalah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:53 PM): Shi ziceai cha itzi lipseshte mult . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:20 PM): Shi cah nu mai ai useri nedoritzi shi nu mai ai nik cu nimeni shi n-am avea niciunu’ dacha ne-ar lipsi cu adevahrat garso ; . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:53 PM): Nu mi-ar conveni sha nu te gahsesc acolo cnad voi reveni . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:43:21 PM): mdwa bine |
sylvercheetah53 (08:45:13 PM): In lus , s-ar supahra shi Hordy dacah nu ai mai posta . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:45:49 PM): ye sure 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:46:06 PM): in primu rand 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:16 PM): Atunci cand ai lipsit , mi se pahrea asha de sec forumu’ . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:46:18 PM): ma rog n`am chef ed vorba 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:14 PM): Nu-i nik , e ceva normal . ;)) Tuturor ni se intamplah uneori sha n-ave chef de nimeni shi nik . 😉 Eu te intzeleg . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:33 PM): Sper doar sah treci cat mai rpd peste perioada asta . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:48:09 PM): ma rog sa dea domnu |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:11 PM): Cateodatah … itzi zice cineva „bunah” shi ii zici „du-te dreaq” . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:17 PM): Ca asha e omu’ . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:25 PM): Are perioade shi perioade . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:48:30 PM): eu nu zic nimanui du`te dreaq 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:48:34 PM): ma rog cateodata mai zic 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:48:37 PM): daca merita 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:38 PM): Mah rog .. vorba vine . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:23 PM): Probabil shi faptu’ cah tzi-a mers mai rahu la shcolah … Te-ai mai chinuit shi la salah … s.a.m.d. |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:25 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:02 PM): Ai ‘zut cha uneori unii au la status „N-am chef de nimeni . Cien amh deranjeazah IGNORE din prima ” . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:50:07 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:50:14 PM): si atunci dupa ce dreaq mai sta pe mess? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:50:15 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:50:18 PM): eu tre sa ies:* |
angie_1878 (08:50:20 PM): pa pa >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:32 PM): Oki . Shi eu . ;)) Take care >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:40 PM): Love you , little one . :-* |
angie_1878 (05:27:18 PM): Poate iarasi nu intri 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:07 PM): Cum sah nu intru ? :-O |
sylvercheetah53 (05:48:23 PM): Asha ceva este de domeniu’ fantasticului . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (05:51:55 PM): Nu pot sta fahrah Cristinutza . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:18 PM): Dragoste micah . :-8 |
sylvercheetah53 (05:54:23 PM): :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (05:55:02 PM): hordy_mulberry: Si-o tras Hordy net putzelor =)) 😀 ? :D/ :D/ (mass) A ramas Hordy . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:07:21 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:07:36 PM): :* >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:07:40 PM): buna mey ;)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:07:46 PM): Dragoste micah . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:07:52 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:07:57 PM): ce faci? ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:06 PM): Nu chiar asha bine , :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:17 PM): Mah doare un picutz cahpushorutzul . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:19 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:08:39 PM): se zice ca te doare ce ai tu mai prost :-S |
angie_1878 (07:08:44 PM): sorry for joke:* |
angie_1878 (07:08:45 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:54 PM): Pey la mine toate’s proate . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:08:57 PM): :-* >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:01 PM): E de la vin . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:08 PM): Am fost la mamai’mea azi … |
angie_1878 (07:09:08 PM): ai baut? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:09:09 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:13 PM): Shi am bahut vin . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:09:19 PM): tu si hordy =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:09:21 PM): Douah pahare jumi’ . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:09:33 PM): putin 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:09:35 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:01 PM): Pt. cei neobishnuitzi ca mine , e mult . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:12 PM): Mai ales cha nu prea imi plake vinu’ roshu . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:10:24 PM): si atunci de ce bei? =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:35 PM): Fiindcah mi s-a oferit . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:10:38 PM): mie imi place ala alb 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:39 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:10:39 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:10:47 PM): doamne fereste mey :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:47 PM): Alb imi plake shi mie . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:10:56 PM): Vezi , ne potrivim . ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:10:57 PM): daca ti se ofera ceva tu iei si daca ti`e rau? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:10:59 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:11:03 PM): ai pus ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:11:05 PM): =)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:09 PM): Shtiu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:26 PM): Imi iese la suprafatzah partea femininah . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:11:30 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:11:34 PM): e asa ceva in tine? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:53 PM): Invers . Eu sutn in ea . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:11:59 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:11:59 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:12:02 PM): iara faci pe fata 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:12:08 PM): =)) ))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:22 PM): Sau ea face pe mnine . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:24 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:12:26 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:28 PM): Sunt dus . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:12:29 PM): asta cum vine :-S |
angie_1878 (07:12:33 PM): ye stiu 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:12:34 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:35 PM): Nu’sh . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:12:42 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:12:47 PM): ce`mi place :(( |
angie_1878 (07:12:50 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:12:51 PM): Am gahsit 4 clipuri de la Bere Gratis . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:12:56 PM): pe bune? 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:12:59 PM): care ? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:01 PM): „La tine ash vrea sha vin” |
angie_1878 (07:13:08 PM): 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:08 PM): „Eu nu am sha te uit” |
angie_1878 (07:13:11 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:17 PM): „Cineva mah iubeshte” |
angie_1878 (07:13:23 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:30 PM): Shi imnul unei echipe de fotbal , interpretat de ei . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:13:30 PM): si cineva ma iubeste acolo sussssssssssss :D/ |
angie_1878 (07:13:37 PM): =)) )))) |
angie_1878 (07:13:46 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:49 PM): http://rapidshare.de/files/18875663/Bere_Gratis_-_La_tine_ash_vrea_sah_vin__Aftershave_mix_.avi.html |
sylvercheetah53 (07:13:52 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:14:07 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:14:10 PM): thanks >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:26 PM): npc . >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:14:36 PM): o sa`l iau :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:42 PM): Dacah vrei , tzi le iau shi pe celelalte . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:14:52 PM): oki ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:14:55 PM): Dar „Strahzi albastre” deocamdatah nu am gahsit . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:14:57 PM): aaa 😕 |
angie_1878 (07:15:01 PM): n`i nik ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:16 PM): Eh , panah la urmah o gahsesc eu shi p’aia . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:15:46 PM): nu te chinui ca am oricum piesa ;)) )))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:15:46 PM): Mamah , cati sunt on . :-O |
angie_1878 (07:15:51 PM): cati? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:13 PM): 21 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:15 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:16:16 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:16:25 PM): 8 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:16:28 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:16:34 PM): dintre cei de pe forum 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:16:35 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:16:59 PM): 16 dp forum . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:17:05 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:17:15 PM): eh oricum nu vorbesc cu cei de pe forum 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:17:16 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:24 PM): De ce nu ? :(( |
angie_1878 (07:17:30 PM): pey numa cu tine vorbesc 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:17:34 PM): cu restu n`am chef 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:17:36 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (07:17:45 PM): de ce :(( |
angie_1878 (07:17:46 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:03 PM): Pt. cah nu’sh … sunt de treabah . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:18:08 PM): :)) ))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:18:14 PM): ei si ce? 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:18:22 PM): nush uneori n`am ce sa le zic 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:18:24 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:18:25 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:30 PM): Shi eu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:37 PM): Mai devreme vb. cu Didi … |
angie_1878 (07:18:39 PM): mai bine nu virbesc 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:48 PM): Shi nu shtiam ce sah-i zic . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:18:50 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:18:54 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:18:59 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:19:11 PM): De ce „ =)) ” ? >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:19:14 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:19:24 PM): pey mi se pare haios 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:19:48 PM): Ce mai e pe forum ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:19:54 PM): V-atzi mai impuns ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:19:59 PM): s`a inregistrat unu ovidiu azi 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:20:02 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:20:04 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:20:10 PM): skiz s`a luat azi de lavi =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:20:15 PM): am vbt mult cu skiz azi 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:20:17 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:20:30 PM): Ce i-a zis Laviniei ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:20:38 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:20:41 PM): eh o sa vezi 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:20:46 PM): nu mare lucru ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:20:54 PM): Cand o sha vahd ? ;-s |
sylvercheetah53 (07:20:57 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:21:03 PM): Nu-mi dai c+p ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:21:04 PM): cand o sa intri pe forum 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:21:06 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:21:09 PM): ba daca vrei tu:* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:21:17 PM): Da , vreau . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:21:20 PM): mc >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:21:22 PM): 85 am in lista 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:21:23 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:21:32 PM): 102 . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:21:36 PM): 30 de pe forum =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:21:46 PM): Vreo 50 dp forum . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:21:50 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:21:58 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:22:04 PM): am zut`o azi pe rut 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:22:17 PM): Eu pe Zaraf . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:22:22 PM): Nu vb cu ea ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:22:25 PM): kiar? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:22:29 PM): ba ne`am salutat =)) |
angie_1878 (07:22:34 PM): probabil mergea la sala 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:22:35 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:22:57 PM): cum arata zaraf? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:23:01 PM): te`ai intalnit tu cu el? :-O |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:08 PM): N-am ‘zut nici o pozah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:12 PM): NH-a vurt . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:19 PM): Eu i-am propus . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:25 PM): E un LASH . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:23:32 PM): ce poza sa vezi 😕 ? ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:40 PM): Cu el . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:23:49 PM): Lavinia* Awesome Girl Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 3953 Location: On the highest place of your heart !!! Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 11:47 am Post subject: Ce ma seaca aia cu lavini@2 … da ma rog . Pentru julie David Guetta – The world is mine |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:49 PM): Doar de el mah intrebi . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:23:53 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:23:55 PM): si atunci de unde stii ca era el 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:24:02 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:24:14 PM): skiz De-al casei Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 1873 Location: Italia Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:13 pm Post subject: Lavinia* wrote: Ce ma seaca aia cu lavini@2 … da ma rog . Pentru julie David Guetta – The world is mine Ce nu ti convine… am impresia ca esti tare „alintata” draga….estio cumva singura la parinti??? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:24:39 PM): Pt. cha mi-a cerut un leu . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:24:45 PM): Lavinia* Awesome Girl Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 3953 Location: On the highest place of your heart !!! Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:31 pm Post subject: Ce-am mai ras … |
angie_1878 (07:24:52 PM): =)) )))))))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:25:04 PM): skiz De-al casei Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 1873 Location: Italia Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:35 pm Post subject: Lavinia* wrote: skiz wrote: Lavinia* wrote: Ce ma seaca aia cu lavini@2 … da ma rog . Pentru julie David Guetta – The world is mine Ce nu ti convine… am impresia ca esti tare „alintata” draga….estio cumva singura la parinti??? Ce-am mai ras … Ce stresanta esti zilele astea… ti-a facut rau mancarea de Pasti!!! |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:17 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:25:18 PM): Lavinia* Awesome Girl Joined: 29 Nov 2005 Posts: 3953 Location: On the highest place of your heart !!! Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:46 pm Post subject: Ce stresant esti tu ca te bagi unde nu-ti fierbe oala … sincer nu vreau nici sa ma cert cu tine dar nici nu-ti permit sa ironizezi in prostie asa … hai glumim , glumim dar pana la o limita … eu inteleg ca e fana AndreEA si ca nah … dar nici tie nu cred ca ti-ar conveni prea mult daca ar veni cineva cu skiz2 pe aici … sincer . Si totusi … sa nu facem atata off . |
angie_1878 (07:25:43 PM): skiz De-al casei Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 1873 Location: Italia Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:57 pm Post subject: Draga daca pe fata o cheama lavinia n ai vrea sa si schimbe numele ptr ca esti tu LAVINIA… trebuie sa intelegi ca poate sa vina vreo 20 de fete LAVINIA…tot tu esti cea mai draguta Azi sunt prea bine dispus |
sylvercheetah53 (07:25:51 PM): A fost online lavi , dar nu am vb cu ea . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:25:54 PM): skiz De-al casei Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 1873 Location: Italia Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:06 pm Post subject: Lavinia* wrote: Si eu sunt chiar foarte bine dispusa asa ca … imi esti chiar simpatic … si nu vreau sa-mi schimb parerea . Pai ma supar daca tu iti schimbi parerea depsre o pers doar ptr ca a facut o gluma… nu e bine asa.. . |
angie_1878 (07:25:59 PM): si tya zice … ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:26:02 PM): catre skiz =)) ))) |
angie_1878 (07:26:13 PM): ciupetika_tyara De-al casei Joined: 10 Nov 2005 Posts: 3486 Location: garso` Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 1:20 pm Post subject: Vreau eu sa-mi schimb parerea despre tine..dar se pare ca..no way… |
angie_1878 (07:26:15 PM): =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (07:26:26 PM): da am zut ca era on ;)) ))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:27:13 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:27:21 PM): what? 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:27:27 PM): Tu shtii cumva cu ce prog. m-a ‘zut Hordy on ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:27:29 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:27:45 PM): eu nu vorbesc despre acest fapt ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:27:53 PM): si nu te ajut sa te mai ascunzi >:P |
angie_1878 (07:27:57 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:02 PM): Inseamnah cah shtii . :(( |
angie_1878 (07:28:06 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:12 PM): Dar am eu metodele mele . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:29 PM): Atunci cand m-a ‘zut , i-am dat add lu’ Carmy de pe alt ID . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:36 PM): Shi l-am inchis pe ahsta . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:28:44 PM): Se descurcah bahiatu . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:07 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:29:13 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:16 PM): Sper sha nu te superi cha mah laud cu ashac eva . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:29:18 PM): ce id? 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:29:22 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:30 PM): SylverCheetahMostWanted |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:33 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:29:38 PM): =)) )))))))) |
angie_1878 (07:29:46 PM): raule >:P |
angie_1878 (07:29:55 PM): altdata o sa fac si eu ca hordy >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:29:58 PM): Dar nu i-am permis sha mah adauge . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:05 PM): Pt. cha nu il folosesc . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:30:05 PM): cui? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:30:07 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:11 PM): Era o chestie de moment . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:30:12 PM): la hordy? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:14 PM): Carminei . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:30:18 PM): 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:30:32 PM): I-am dat add , dar nu i-am dat allow . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:30:39 PM): ;;) |
angie_1878 (07:30:43 PM): daca tu zici ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:08 PM): Am multe ID-uri . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:31:19 PM): / 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:22 PM): Intr-o searah am vb cu Soso de pe SylverCeetah53 |
angie_1878 (07:31:23 PM): la ce`ti folosesc? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:25 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:31:33 PM): si eu il aveam pe ala 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:31:34 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:31:38 PM): acu nu`l mai am :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:43 PM): La ocolirea celor care mah pot depista . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:31:44 PM): cu ala intrai inainte 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:31:50 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:31:55 PM): me $ hordy 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:31:56 PM): Shi Soso are prog cu carte mah vede . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:31:56 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:32:04 PM): Shi tu ? :-O |
angie_1878 (07:32:09 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:32:29 PM): Dar cu a lu’ Soso , eu nu vha pot depista . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:32:32 PM): tot ascunde`te de noi ca poate odata nu o sa mai dai 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:32:33 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:32:36 PM): Nu’sh de ce la mine nu merge . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:32:41 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:32:59 PM): angie_1878: tot ascunde`te de noi ca poate odata nu o sa mai dai Ce nu o sah mai dau ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:33:01 PM): mey de ce dispari :-S |
angie_1878 (07:33:07 PM): nu o sa mai dai de noi :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:33:09 PM): Nu dispar . >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:33:17 PM): cum nu :-w |
sylvercheetah53 (07:33:27 PM): Nu mi-atzi face asha ceva . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:33:43 PM): nu fi asa sigur >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:33:47 PM): Pey eu dispar din prostie . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:33:51 PM): daca tu lipsesti noi de ce nu am lipsi >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:34:04 PM): POt. cha voi nu avetzi apucahturile mele . =)) |
angie_1878 (07:34:14 PM): bine ca recunosti :-w |
sylvercheetah53 (07:34:27 PM): Mey …. |
sylvercheetah53 (07:34:39 PM): Like i sad yesterday … |
sylvercheetah53 (07:34:50 PM): Don’t try to understand me , just love me . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:34:59 PM): buna afacere >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:35:03 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:35:09 PM): Pey nu . :-> |
angie_1878 (07:35:09 PM): si eu cu ce ies din treaba asta? 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:35:16 PM): pey eu vreau swa te inteleg 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:35:18 PM): Cu dragoste mea . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:35:24 PM): dar n`am cum daca nu vorbesti cu mine 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:35:27 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:35:34 PM): Dacha reusheshti sha mah intzelegi , sha-mi explici shi mie . =)) |
angie_1878 (07:35:47 PM): pey daca mi`ai zice despre ce e vorba as intelege 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:35:49 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:35:50 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:00 PM): Twe uitzi pe Pro ? :-0 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:03 PM): :-O |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:06 PM): :-O |
angie_1878 (07:36:07 PM): nups why? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:36:17 PM): ce e mey? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:25 PM): Cicah un conducahtor de la Dinanmo a zis cha juchatorii sunt onanishti . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:28 PM): :-O |
angie_1878 (07:36:32 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:36:35 PM): nu`mi pasa 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:36:42 PM): ma doare burticu 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:36:43 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:44 PM): Cicsah e plin de reviste prono la ei in vestiar . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:36:52 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:36:55 PM): Shi jucahtorii se masturbeazha in cantonament . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:37:02 PM): si ce`mi pasa mie? =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:37:05 PM): Poate de-asta pierd . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:37:12 PM): =)) ))))))))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:37:15 PM): Pey m-am mirat sha zicha asha ceva pe post . :-O |
sylvercheetah53 (07:37:25 PM): Chiar dacha e asha , n-avea rost sha dezvahluie . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:37:26 PM): eu nu ma mai mir de nik :-j |
angie_1878 (07:37:37 PM): eh astia dau pe post ce vrea romanu 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:37:41 PM): romanu asta cauta 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:37:46 PM): stiri de nimik 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:37:47 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:02 PM): Mahcar avem de ce rade . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:38:12 PM): Imi plac shtirile de la ora 5 . :”> |
angie_1878 (07:38:25 PM): yaks 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:38:28 PM): nu ma uit la stiri 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:38:36 PM): stirile te influenteaza in mod negativ 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:38:37 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:38:38 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:39:13 PM): pe la opt ies cred :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:39:14 PM): Pey unele filme cu crima perfectah , te invatzha cum sah ucizi , :-S |
angie_1878 (07:39:19 PM): ma culc devreme azi 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:39:22 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:39:27 PM): nu e tot una 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:39:32 PM): Te duci maine la salah ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:39:35 PM): depinde de psihic 8-| |
angie_1878 (07:39:39 PM): am fost si azi =)) |
angie_1878 (07:39:49 PM): n`am putut respira corect 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:39:53 PM): De ce ? :(( |
angie_1878 (07:39:54 PM): aveam impresia ca ma sufoc 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:39:58 PM): de ce ec :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:00 PM): Vrei sah mori ? :(( |
angie_1878 (07:40:00 PM): ce* |
angie_1878 (07:40:03 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:09 PM): De c enu ai respirat corect ? :(( |
angie_1878 (07:40:09 PM): nu vreau sa slabesc :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:40:14 PM): nu puteam 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:19 PM): Sinucigasheo . >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:40:22 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (07:40:23 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:40:26 PM): bate`n lemn 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:07 PM): Te-ai gandit vreodatha la sha CEVA ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:25 PM): la sinucis? 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:25 PM): =)) ))))) |
angie_1878 (07:41:26 PM): doamne fereste 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:32 PM): nup nu cred ca exista lucru pe lume de neinlocuit 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:41:36 PM): numa viata 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:41:38 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:50 PM): Eu cred cah cine spune cha nu s-a gandit , sunt shanse mari sha mintah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:41:59 PM): Ori pote eshti pritnre fff putzinii . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:42:24 PM): Eu asha face-o . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:42:28 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (07:42:32 PM): pey tu ma crezi ori ba :)) ) |
angie_1878 (07:42:38 PM): da eu sunt ff sigura pe mine 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:42:43 PM): tu de ce ai face`o? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:43:09 PM): Dacha de ex. ash avea o bolah incurabilah grea shi chinuitoare atat pt. mine , cat shi pt. altzii … |
angie_1878 (07:43:20 PM): adica? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:43:22 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:43:23 PM): Orti dacah mi s-ar intapla alte lucrurirele . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:43:33 PM): alte lucruri exemplifica 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:43:36 PM): Pey nu mah pricep la boli . =)) |
angie_1878 (07:43:37 PM): vai ce rau mie :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:43:54 PM): Sau nu’sh de ex cna dnu va mai fi mamai’mea . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:44:01 PM): Nu cred cah ash suporta . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:44:14 PM): probabil ca atunci vei fi la casa ta mey …. |
angie_1878 (07:44:19 PM): vei avea familia ta … |
angie_1878 (07:44:26 PM): trebuie sa te gandesti ca asa e soarta omului … |
angie_1878 (07:44:32 PM): se naste traieste si moare 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:44:34 PM): Dar4 dacha se intampalh ianinte ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:44:45 PM): si dupa tine probabil ar suferi multi 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:44:47 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:44:54 PM): de ce nu esti si tu mai optimist? 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:05 PM): Pey eu nu zic cha se va intampla … |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:15 PM): Dar dacah tot vorbeam de motive de sucid … |
angie_1878 (07:45:15 PM): 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:22 PM): Expuneam o ipotezah . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:45:24 PM): asta nu`i motiv 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:29 PM): Mai mult sau mai putzin plauzibilah . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:45:39 PM): dansei nu cred ca i`ar placea ideea asta 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:45:40 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:43 PM): Deshi medicii i-au spus cha poate pica oricand . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:45:49 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:45:54 PM): A avut shi preinfarct . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:45:54 PM): e bolnavioara? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:46:08 PM): E shi cu inima shi cu coloana shi cu cervicala . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:46:13 PM): Are multe boli . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:46:13 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:46:19 PM): Nici nu le shtie pe toate . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:46:20 PM): uff :-S |
angie_1878 (07:46:34 PM): mey sa nu faci ceva ca te pap cu fulgi cu tot :)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:46:38 PM): Dar eu fahra ea , nu-mi pot inchiupui viatza . 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:46:49 PM): eu te inteleg 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:47:00 PM): dar gandeste`te ca nu tu decizi chestia asta :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:47:13 PM): Shtiu , dar pot decide altceva . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:47:20 PM): si poate nici altii nu`si pot inchipui viata fara tine 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:47:22 PM): ce? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:47:32 PM): Sah mah sinucid . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:47:34 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:47:37 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:47:45 PM): Sorry . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:47:51 PM): nu mai vorbesc cu tine daca ai ganduri de astea :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:47:52 PM): Om nebun . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:48:01 PM): nu mai vorbesc cu tine [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (07:48:10 PM): Pey nu mah gandesc la asta , nu-mi fac planu’ dar existah shi varianta asta . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:48:23 PM): E valabilah shi reciproca … |
angie_1878 (07:48:27 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:48:32 PM): Dacha eu n-ash mai fi , ar muri shi mamai’mea . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:48:32 PM): reciproca? 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:48:33 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:48:44 PM): mey 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:48:48 PM): Nu ar fi nevoie sha se sinucidah , sigur ar lahsa-o inima . :-S |
angie_1878 (07:48:51 PM): nu mai vorbi de astea plz 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:48:56 PM): mi`e rau :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:01 PM): Scuze . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:06 PM): Om diliu . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:49:18 PM): nu de la asta mi`e rau :(( |
angie_1878 (07:49:22 PM): merg sa`mi fac un ceai 🙁 |
angie_1878 (07:49:25 PM): stai asa :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:49:37 PM): Stau , dragoste micah . :-* |
sylvercheetah53 (07:50:00 PM): Acum e acasah Mitzha , d c nu vii la Cta ? :(( |
angie_1878 (07:50:34 PM): am scoala mey :-S |
angie_1878 (07:50:36 PM): am teze 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:50:46 PM): mai avem o luna si trei saptamani de scoala 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:50:48 PM): stai sa numar L 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:50:49 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:51:38 PM): Pey n-o sah incepetzi din prima cu lucrahri . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:51:39 PM): 7 fara asta :-S |
angie_1878 (07:51:43 PM): crezi tu: |
angie_1878 (07:51:45 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:51:46 PM): Potzi lipsi lejer in prima sahpt . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:51:48 PM): n`avem note 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:51:49 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:51:55 PM): prima sapt e dusa =)) |
angie_1878 (07:52:00 PM): mai avem trei zile :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:01 PM): :(( |
angie_1878 (07:52:08 PM): ma simt asa rau :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:32 PM): DE la ce ? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:37 PM): nush :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:40 PM): Ai pahpat prea mult ? 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:52:44 PM): Shi eu la fel . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:52:44 PM): de la stomac cred :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:47 PM): nups 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:52:48 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:52:51 PM): nush :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:01 PM): Avem prea multe bunahtahtzi la dispozitzie . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:08 PM): Shi cand mah duc la mamai’mea … |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:15 PM): Mah umflah cu tot ce pridne . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:20 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:29 PM): O iubesc fff mult . 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:42 PM): Shi acu’ Soso ar zice … |
angie_1878 (07:53:43 PM): asa face si buni cu mitza =)) |
angie_1878 (07:53:50 PM): saracu se ingrasa cand vine la dej =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:53:53 PM): „Vezi sah nu vah prindha bunicah’tu” . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:54:00 PM): =)) )) |
angie_1878 (07:54:07 PM): nebun e copilu ala ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:13 PM): Shi eu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:18 PM): Shi eu’s cam dus . :)) |
angie_1878 (07:54:24 PM): ye am zut asta :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:25 PM): Oricum … sunt un om ciudat . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:54:30 PM): sa`mi amintesti sa nu uit de ceai |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:40 PM): Sah nu uitzi de ceai . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:54:52 PM): Ai ‘zut ce bahiat bun ? :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:18 PM): Eu zic sah vii acum la Cta . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:22 PM): Pahrerea mea . 😀 |
angie_1878 (07:55:45 PM): acu si pornesc =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:50 PM): >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:55:58 PM): Te ashtept cu bratzele deschise . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:56:00 PM): :* |
angie_1878 (07:56:05 PM): nu vin mey ca nu pot ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:09 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:22 PM): Nu existah „nu pot” existah „nu vreau” . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:26 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:56:32 PM): in cazu asta kiar nu pot 😐 |
angie_1878 (07:56:36 PM): cum sa vin la cta 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:37 PM): >:P |
angie_1878 (07:56:39 PM): am scoala 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:56:49 PM): Fuck school . B-) |
angie_1878 (07:56:52 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (07:56:57 PM): asa zic si eu da mediile mele :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:00 PM): You’re to cool 4 school . :-* |
angie_1878 (07:57:02 PM): la anu dau bac :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:04 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (07:57:24 PM): off ce rau mie :(( (((((((((99 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:28 PM): Hai sha spargem becuri . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:37 PM): Dacah nu’s eu acolo . :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:42 PM): Cah te dahdahceam . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:57:52 PM): Apah cu sare de lahmaie . ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:58:18 PM): nu ca mi`ar fi rau :-S |
angie_1878 (07:58:24 PM): mi`am facut ceai de tei :(( |
angie_1878 (07:58:31 PM): si ma doare si coloana 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:37 PM): Imi plake ceaiu’ de tei . 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:46 PM): Coloane te doar din vina sahlii . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (07:58:57 PM): Ciocah ceaiu’ de tei nu e bun pt. bahietzie . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:59:04 PM): sau din cauza ca nu stau dreapta :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:18 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
angie_1878 (07:59:26 PM): stiam si eu de ceva ceai da nu stiam care e ;)) |
angie_1878 (07:59:28 PM): :* >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:39 PM): Eu shtiu , cha imi zice taicah’meu . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:44 PM): Da’ eu tot beau . 😛 |
angie_1878 (07:59:46 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:47 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (07:59:51 PM): da de ce nu e bun? :-S |
angie_1878 (07:59:54 PM): pey de ce bei 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (07:59:59 PM): Chiar am vrut sha fac un topic pe tema asta . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:00:05 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:06 PM): Fiindcah imi plake . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:00:18 PM): pey si tu bei si daca iti face rau 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:39 PM): angie_1878: da de ce nu e bun? Se zice cah afecteazah performantzele secsuale . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:00:49 PM): Pey nu’sh dacah imi face rahu sau nu . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:00:50 PM): =)) )) |
angie_1878 (08:00:54 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:01:04 PM): am zut aseara un film fain pe hbo :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:09 PM): Dacha nu mah descurc , il chem pe Hordy . =)) |
angie_1878 (08:01:13 PM): =)) )))))))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:16 PM): Ce film ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:01:22 PM): tu te uiti si el face treaba 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:01:23 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:01:23 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:01:25 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:01:27 PM): se numea … |
angie_1878 (08:01:32 PM): spune`mi ca ma iubesti ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:37 PM): A inceput Scooby Doo . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:01:38 PM): cu niste adolescenti ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:01:40 PM): =”)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:42 PM): Te iubesc . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:01:42 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:01:51 PM): mey asa se numea filmu ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:01:52 PM): Shtiu . =)) |
angie_1878 (08:01:56 PM): love you too :* |
angie_1878 (08:01:57 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:02 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:02:03 PM): era o tipa 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:02:13 PM): care iubea un tip … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:16 PM): Era ushoarah ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:02:21 PM): curva? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:02:23 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:25 PM): :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:29 PM): :”> |
angie_1878 (08:02:31 PM): nush 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:02:32 PM): 8-> |
angie_1878 (08:02:39 PM): cert e ca tipa asta ;;) |
angie_1878 (08:02:58 PM): il tot cauta pe tipu asta ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:02:59 PM): da el avea prietena ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:02:59 PM): pe care o iubea:- |
angie_1878 (08:02:59 PM): s: -s |
angie_1878 (08:02:59 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:03:03 PM): si si`o inselta prietena 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:03:05 PM): numai ca :-S |
angie_1878 (08:03:11 PM): tipa cu care a inselat`o 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:03:16 PM): era nebuna in sensu ca :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:18 PM): Mi-a blocat pc ady cu mass-ul lui . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:03:28 PM): a incercat sa o omoare pe prietena lui :-S |
angie_1878 (08:03:32 PM): a dat mass? =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:39 PM): Urat din partea lui . >:P |
angie_1878 (08:03:40 PM): cred ca mi`a dat si el ignore =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:46 PM): Nu trebuia sha o inshele . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:03:57 PM): Cred cah da . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:04:14 PM): ti`a zis tie? :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:17 PM): Dar de ce voia sha o omoare ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:04:21 PM): oricum eu i`am dat prima :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:22 PM): N-am mai vb cu el . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:04:25 PM): pt ca baiatu … |
angie_1878 (08:04:31 PM): nu o iubea pe ea 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:32 PM): De ce nu o pahrahsea pur shi simplu ? ;-s |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:35 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:04:36 PM): ci pe prietena lui ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:04:43 PM): e foarte fain 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:04:50 PM): lasa ca o sa ma uit cand mai e 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:04:55 PM): E cam aiurea sah ucizi ,l 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:04:55 PM): sa te uiti si tu ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:05:01 PM): ye stiu :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:06 PM): Nu’sh nu prea fac crime d’astea . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:05:12 PM): =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (08:05:17 PM): ar fi bine sa nu faci deloc [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:27 PM): Cel mult , un gandaca , ceva . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:05:35 PM): urasc gandacii 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:35 PM): Uite , pe tine nu te-ash ucide . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:05:39 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:43 PM): Shi eu . >:) |
angie_1878 (08:05:50 PM): nici n`ai avea cum si nici n`ai avea de ce :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:05:54 PM): Sah moarha toate insectele . >:) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:02 PM): SAhi ele zic … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:08 PM): „sah moarah totzi oamenii” |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:09 PM): :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:21 PM): Dar mai ales gandacii nu-i suport . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:26 PM): Mi-=e scarbah de ei . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:06:26 PM): stai brb ca a venit buni ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:06:33 PM): Oki . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:06:58 PM): back ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:00 PM): vasile Turcu este actzionaru’ care a spus cah jucahtorii se masturbeazah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:06 PM): A zis acum shi la Antena 12 . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:07:07 PM): mey ;;) |
angie_1878 (08:07:14 PM): stii ca eu sunt pasta la fotbal? :)) 0 |
angie_1878 (08:07:21 PM): sunt si nu inteleg nik 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:07:22 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:24 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:34 PM): Trebuie sha-tzi placah , pt. cha imi plake mie . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:07:48 PM): de ce tre` sa`mi placa daca iti place tie? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:07:53 PM): Pey uite … |
angie_1878 (08:07:57 PM): 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:01 PM): Msamai’mea nu se uita la fotbal … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:06 PM): Dar de cand cu mine … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:11 PM): A devenit microbistah ., 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:20 PM): Nu mai doarme noapte a cateodatah . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:08:20 PM): eu nu o sa fiu ever 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:26 PM): Dahc anu cashtigha cine vrea ea . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:08:33 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:35 PM): Poate ahsa zicea shi ea . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:08:37 PM): pe bune? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:41 PM): Serios . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:08:47 PM): eu sunt foarte sigura pe mine [-X |
angie_1878 (08:08:52 PM): cand zic ceva asa`i 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:53 PM): Shi acum cnad a fost Rapid – Steaua in UEFA … |
angie_1878 (08:08:53 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:08:59 PM): Fiindcha s-a calificat Steaua … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:05 PM): Nu mai putea sha doarmah . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:09:14 PM): si eu vroiam rapid :(( |
angie_1878 (08:09:17 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:19 PM): Shi pe mine mah mai ia cu rahu cateodatah de la fotbal . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:25 PM): Shi eu . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:09:28 PM): :* |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:33 PM): Unii mor pe stadioane . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:39 PM): Sunt multe pasiuni . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:09:50 PM): Meciuri interzise cardiacilor . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:09:53 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:10:01 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:03 PM): iaandreea |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:05 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:10:05 PM): ce rau mi`e :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:09 PM): 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:10:10 PM): cine`i asta? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:21 PM): Cea care mi-a dat ban pe Apropo . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:29 PM): Shi ignore pe mess . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:10:33 PM): mey revino`ti ;)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:37 PM): :)) |
angie_1878 (08:10:43 PM): lasa sa`ti dea ban :D/ |
sylvercheetah53 (08:10:47 PM): Nu vreau sha te mai simtiz rahu . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:10:52 PM): ca poate asa te intorci pe garso 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:10:54 PM): nici eu :-S |
angie_1878 (08:11:04 PM): mi`e frca ca ma innec daca fac baie :)) 0 |
angie_1878 (08:11:05 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:08 PM): Pe garso’ shtiu cha voi reveni intr-o zi , pt. cha e spoecial pt. mine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:11:17 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:20 PM): Asha zicea eu … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:26 PM): Cand mai lipsea un coleg … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:32 PM): Prin 5-8 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:39 PM): Ziceam „s-a inecat in cada” |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:42 PM): :)) |
angie_1878 (08:11:44 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:11:50 PM): nu pe bune 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:11:58 PM): Asha am pahtzi t eu … |
angie_1878 (08:12:00 PM): si vroiam sa ma spal pe cap 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:12:06 PM): :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:06 PM): Eram beat … :”> |
angie_1878 (08:12:12 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:12 PM): Shi am adormit in cadah . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:12:16 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:12:21 PM): ah ce tare =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:24 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:34 PM): Mamai’mea credea cah sutn drogat . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:12:44 PM): serios? =)) )))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:49 PM): Pe bune . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:12:50 PM): te`ai drogat vreodata? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:12:54 PM): Nope . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:13:01 PM): #:-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:06 PM): De fumat , am fumat , dar nu m-am drogat . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:11 PM): Sunt bund e sotz . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:13:18 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:13:24 PM): off mai am pana sa ma marit 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:28 PM): Nu beau , nu fumez , nu mah droghez , nu’s afemeiat . :-> |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:32 PM): B-) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:44 PM): Dar ma un defect … |
angie_1878 (08:13:51 PM): care? ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:52 PM): Sunt gay . :”> |
sylvercheetah53 (08:13:55 PM): joke . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:13:56 PM): =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:06 PM): Dar nu’sh de ce se zice … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:13 PM): Cah femeile sunt mereu atrtase de gay … |
angie_1878 (08:14:15 PM): se explica atunci de ce nu esti afemeiat 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:20 PM): Adicha sah i facha sah se schimbe … |
angie_1878 (08:14:21 PM): ce tampenie =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:31 PM): Unu’ care nu o vrea , sah o vrea shi ahla . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:14:41 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:42 PM): Nu’sdh ,,, ahsa am auzit . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:14:52 PM): mie mi`e scarba de gay 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:14:54 PM): Shi se zice cha femeile se intzeleg f. bine cu gay-i . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:15:03 PM): si nu exista baiat pe lumea asta care sa nu insele 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (08:15:11 PM): Nu cred . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:15:14 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:15:17 PM): ba eu cred :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:15:21 PM): Try me . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:15:28 PM): mai devreme sau mai tarziu tot calca stramb ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:15:37 PM): sylv tu nu ti`ai tradat prietenele ever? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:15:44 PM): Nu e asha . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:16:20 PM): Nu cred cah e ceva care sah se muleze pe personalitatea mea . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:16:31 PM): adica? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:16:39 PM): ba eu cred ca toti inseala 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:16:43 PM): is sigura ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:16:54 PM): Nu , eu cred cah gresheshti . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:16:59 PM): Uite … |
angie_1878 (08:17:03 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:17:07 PM): Tatai’meu era destul; de gagicar … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:17:16 PM): Da’ de cand a intalnit-o pe mamai’mea … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:17:25 PM): Nu l-au mai intersat alte fete . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:17:44 PM): Sunt shi oameni de genu’ ahsta . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:17:54 PM): tu de unde stii ca nu a inselat`o ever pe buni tau? 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:17:59 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:18:05 PM): Pey imi dau seama . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:18:10 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:18:13 PM): nush ce sa zic 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:18:14 PM): Nu se muleazah pe personalitatea sa . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:18:16 PM): eu nu cred 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:18:19 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:18:21 PM): adica … |
angie_1878 (08:18:38 PM): nu cred ca exista baieti barbati care sa nu insele |
angie_1878 (08:18:38 PM): ; 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:18:53 PM): Eu cred cah cien inshelah o datah , inshelah shi a doua oarah . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:19:09 PM): :-S |
angie_1878 (08:19:50 PM): probabil ;)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:19:57 PM): musulmanilor le e usor =)) )) |
angie_1878 (08:20:04 PM): au cate 5 neveste 8-| |
angie_1878 (08:20:07 PM): fraierele 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:18 PM): M-a blocat Julie n . 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:20:29 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:20:33 PM): a ca a dat mass 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:35 PM): Pey tzine de traditzie shi de educatzie . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:20:42 PM): Nu’sh dacha sunt asha friere … |
angie_1878 (08:20:45 PM): is niste fraiere 8-| |
angie_1878 (08:20:48 PM): eh nu :)) |
angie_1878 (08:20:56 PM): ele nu au voie sa faca nik 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:21:01 PM): Probabil shi tu erai de acird dahca te nashteai i alt mediu . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:21:08 PM): Eu asha cred . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:21:09 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:21:12 PM): eu nu cred 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:21:19 PM): nu m`as marita cu cine mi`ar impune cineva :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:21:43 PM): Dar nu te-ar intreba nimeni . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:21:49 PM): tzi se impune shi gata . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:22:00 PM): as fugi de`acasa 8-> |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:15 PM): Asha era pe vrera stranunicii . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:20 PM): Dar a fost o fazah … |
angie_1878 (08:22:21 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:22:26 PM): ar fi culmea 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:27 PM): Un strah-unchi . ceva … |
angie_1878 (08:22:28 PM): 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:22:32 PM): 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:32 PM): Nu’sh ce era … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:38 PM): S-a cahsahtorit cu o fatah … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:43 PM): Erau douah surori … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:48 PM): Dar a fost pahcahlit … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:22:54 PM): I-=a fost datah aia uratah . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:02 PM): Shi el era bweat shi nu a z’sut . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:23:07 PM): =)) )) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:17 PM): Mi’a povestit mamai’mea . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:33 PM): SAhi cisah ii reproshea mereu cha el n-a vrut-o . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:23:40 PM): sylv tu cati ani ai? 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:23:42 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:44 PM): 21 . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:48 PM): De ce ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:23:49 PM): numa? 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:23:56 PM): Pey aprope 22 . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:23:57 PM): ma gandeam ca ai vreo 23 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:24:06 PM): ziua ta e in septembrie? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:10 PM): Asha matur par ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:17 PM): Da , in septembrie . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:24:19 PM): =)) )))) |
angie_1878 (08:24:26 PM): matur cu doi ani in plus 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:27 PM): Altzii nu-mi dua mai mult de 5 . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:24:29 PM): vai mey ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:41 PM): Nu’s , eu’s copilahros . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:24:52 PM): Vreau sah am cu 10 mai putzin . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:24:58 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:25:05 PM): sa ai 11? =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:10 PM): Yep . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:25:17 PM): eh ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:18 PM): Tu cat ai vrea sah ai ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:25:21 PM): nu ai cum ;;) |
angie_1878 (08:25:26 PM): eu as vrea sa fiu bebe 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:27 PM): Care e varsta perfecta ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:25:27 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:25:35 PM): bebe ca nu stii nik 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:36 PM): Ca sha sugi la tzatzah ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:25:40 PM): papi ce ti se da 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:41 PM): Sorry pt joke . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:25:44 PM): nu tre sa mergi la sala 😀 😀 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:25:46 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:25:53 PM): probabil si asta :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:25:57 PM): Dar nu potiz juca „Fifa” . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:26:01 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:26:04 PM): te joci altele 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:08 PM): Shi nichi shah . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:26:10 PM): cu biberonu 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:26:11 PM): ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:14 PM): Shi nu potzi face secs . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:26:18 PM): ba te poti juca numa ca nu stii cum 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:26:19 PM): =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (08:26:24 PM): oricum nu fac 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:33 PM): Eu zic 10 , 11 anishori . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:38 PM): E cel ami bine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:26:45 PM): atunci poti face secs? =)) )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:51 PM): Sigur . :S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:26:58 PM): Eshti potent cma de la 10 . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:26:59 PM): =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:05 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:27:19 PM): numa la prostii iti sta capu 8-| |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:26 PM): Chiar la unele triburi …. |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:34 PM): Se cahsahtoresc de la 9 anishori . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:40 PM): Fetele . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:27:42 PM): 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:48 PM): Cah bahietzii sunt analizatzi . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:27:56 PM): Li se analizeazah instrumentu’ . :)) |
angie_1878 (08:27:57 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:28:03 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:28:05 PM): vai :(( |
angie_1878 (08:28:11 PM): ce rau mi`e :(( ((( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:28:55 PM): Am ‘cut o prostie . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:29:00 PM): Imi pare rahu . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:29:05 PM): ce prostie? 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:29:10 PM): Dar e Sylv’ ‘ici . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:29:21 PM): ce prostie mey? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:29:21 PM): Am inchis Windows Explorer . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:29:27 PM): si ce are? :)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:29:29 PM): Shi acum nu mai am bara de jos . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:29:55 PM): Panah nu fa o prostie , parcah nu sutn eu . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:30:22 PM): Incha nu a apahrut Hordy . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:30:28 PM): Ash fi vrut sah vb cu el . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:30:35 PM): e de dupa masa de servici 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:30:42 PM): toata saptamana asta ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:30:49 PM): Poate piedrde meciu’ . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:30:54 PM): ce meci? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:31:03 PM): ei crezi ca`i mai arde lui de meci =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:06 PM): Milan vs Barcelona . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:31:10 PM): ah :-S |
angie_1878 (08:31:15 PM): iar ma ia cu rau :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:16 PM): Trebuie sah ii ardah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:21 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:31:21 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:31:29 PM): ma inteleg bine cu el 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:30 PM): Eu dacha nu ash vedea un meci ash muri . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:33 PM): joke . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:39 PM): Mah bucur pt. voi . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:31:40 PM): nu vorbi prostii >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:51 PM): Too late . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:31:55 PM): Eu numa’ asta fac . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:31:58 PM): =)) ) |
angie_1878 (08:32:03 PM): of 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:32:08 PM): mai stau 6 minute si ies 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:32:13 PM): merg la baitza :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:18 PM): Cand ieshi tu , ies shi eu . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:32:25 PM): da de ce? :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:29 PM): Cat de mare e cada ta ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:31 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:32:37 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:32:42 PM): vrei sa faci baie cu mine [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:43 PM): Incap douah pers . ? 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:32:48 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:33:02 PM): nu ca ma intind eu 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:33:05 PM): sorry =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:10 PM): Atunci eu doar mah uit . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:30 PM): Dupah meci , dau inainte ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:35 PM): Ah , inainte . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:38 PM): Oki . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:33:39 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:33:45 PM): n`ai voie sa te uiti la mine [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:51 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:33:57 PM): Nici mah car golaah ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:34:12 PM): goala nu =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:34:18 PM): >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:34:34 PM): Nu-i frumos . 🙁 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:34:55 PM): Eu zic cah in viatzha cel ami important e sha ii bucurahm pe ceilaltzi . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:34:57 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:35:07 PM): ia`ti reviste sa vezi dezbracate 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:35:20 PM): eu nu ma dezbrac in fata nimanui [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:35:23 PM): Nu mai sutn reviste , le-au luat pe toate cei de la Dinamo ,. =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:35:45 PM): Stai … eu’s dinamovist . :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:35:51 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:36:05 PM): tu iti iei reviste porno? 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:36:06 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:07 PM): angie_1878: eu nu ma dezbrac in fata nimanui Tu te schimbi de fatzha cui Didi ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:36:16 PM): sa`l intreb si pe hordy =)) |
angie_1878 (08:36:20 PM): nu normal ca nu :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:26 PM): Am luat odatah un playboy acum catziva ani . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:36:33 PM): eh bluzele mi le mai dau jos 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:36:44 PM): dar nu se uita di la mine ca si ea are ce am eu =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:36:53 PM): Acuma sunt prea zgarcit . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:04 PM): Dar de ce te ascunzi de ea ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:15 PM): Tzi-e rushine sha te vadah goalah ? 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:37:19 PM): =)) )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:37:26 PM): nu ma ascund de ea =)) ))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:31 PM): B a da . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:37:32 PM): doamne fereste 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:37:38 PM): sa umblu goala prin casa =)) )))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:44 PM): Te schimbi sub plahpumioarah , ca la Big Brother . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:37:55 PM): =)) )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:37:58 PM): off :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:37:59 PM): Shi faci dush cu pelerina . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:38:05 PM): iarasi eu tre` sa fac patu 8-| |
angie_1878 (08:38:07 PM): ce atre :(( |
angie_1878 (08:38:13 PM): vreau la big brother :(( |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:18 PM): Fac eu patu’ … dacha pot dormi in el . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:26 PM): Chiar … |
angie_1878 (08:38:35 PM): oki 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:35 PM): Tu dacha erAI la BB ., cum fahcei dush ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:38:39 PM): =)) ))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:41 PM): mc >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:38:44 PM): cu pelerina logic 😡 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:52 PM): Mah bucur cha mah primeshti in a ptul tahu . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:38:57 PM): E o onaore . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:38:58 PM): =)) )))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:07 PM): angie_1878: cu pelerina logic >:P |
angie_1878 (08:39:12 PM): pey de primit da primesc da nu spera la alte lucruri :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:24 PM): Ce personaj de la BB se asemahna cel ami mult cu tine ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:39:25 PM): pey ce mama naibii sa ma vada o tzara intreaga =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (08:39:33 PM): la caracter? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:39:35 PM): nici unu 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:46 PM): angie_1878: pey de primit da primesc da nu spera la alte lucruri Mah multzumesc sha fiu primit . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:53 PM): Dar cat de cat … |
sylvercheetah53 (08:39:58 PM): Cu care te aswemahnai ? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:13 PM): Trebuie sah fi fost cineva mai apropiat de personalitatea ta . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:40:15 PM): 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:40:25 PM): nush :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:34 PM): Eu de ex cu Adrian . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:40:40 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:40:47 PM): la personalitate? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:49 PM): De ce „ =)) ” ? :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:40:55 PM): Da , cred cha da . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:01 PM): De ce nu ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:41:05 PM): era tare tipu 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:41:10 PM): si era dragutz ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:16 PM): Shi eu sunt moale ? >:P |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:25 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:33 PM): Nu’sh …. asha cred . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:41:36 PM): =)) ))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:46 PM): Didi cu Alida . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:41:54 PM): =)) ))))))))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:41:56 PM): Hordy cu Ernest . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:41:57 PM): ha ha ha ce ai zis 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:42:03 PM): didi cu alida nu [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:04 PM): Mircea cu Soso . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:42:12 PM): didi are caracter puternic [-X |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:22 PM): PEy shi Alida este . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:27 PM): Doar aparent era slabah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:38 PM): Dar defapt era mult mai puternicha decart multzi de acolo . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:42:43 PM): 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:42:46 PM): nu parea asa 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:48 PM): E plngahccioasha ca Alida . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:42:54 PM): Skip este Flo . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:43:06 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:43:15 PM): cine didi plangacioasa? =)) )))))) |
angie_1878 (08:43:18 PM): mai degraba eu nu ea :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:43:20 PM): Da . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:43:31 PM): Tu plangi mai ushor decat ea ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:43:48 PM): yep 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:43:53 PM): adica plangeam 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:43:58 PM): acu nu mai am motive 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:44:04 PM): Mi-am dat seama cha eshti o fire sensibilah . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:44:13 PM): :* |
sylvercheetah53 (08:44:15 PM): >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:44:18 PM): E frumops . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:44:22 PM): eu plangeam inainte din orice 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:44:29 PM): Asta e bine . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:44:37 PM): nu mi se pare bine; :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:44:52 PM): Nu’sh … mie mi se pare ceva drahgutz . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:44:59 PM): am suferit mult din cauza baietilor :-S |
angie_1878 (08:45:02 PM): si 😕 |
angie_1878 (08:45:10 PM): cand ma certam cu buni mai plangeam 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:45:11 PM): Crysty e Coco . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:45:12 PM): si cu didi ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:45:17 PM): =)) )))))))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:45:21 PM): ce asemanare tare 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:45:23 PM): apropo ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:45:30 PM): Dumi e Iza . >:) |
angie_1878 (08:45:34 PM): cred ca am ceva reviste cu bb unu 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:45:44 PM): Cum se numesc ? :-S |
angie_1878 (08:46:04 PM): nush erau parca supliment la apropo tv ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:06 PM): Zi-mi ce personaje mai erau , ca sha le gahsesc corespondentzi pe forum . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:46:07 PM): am o gramada 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:46:10 PM): 😕 |
angie_1878 (08:46:12 PM): andreea |
angie_1878 (08:46:14 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:16 PM): Tu |
angie_1878 (08:46:18 PM): sexi marioara =)) ))) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:23 PM): Tami |
angie_1878 (08:46:29 PM): =)) ))))))) |
angie_1878 (08:46:32 PM): auzi mey 😐 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:33 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:46:35 PM): tu vorbesti cu katu? 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:42 PM): Nu . :-$ |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:48 PM): Nu-i spune pls cha sunt . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:46:56 PM): pey nu`i zic ca esti :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:46:59 PM): Ash fi vorbit , dar nu mai am timp . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:06 PM): Dacha intra mai devreme , vorbeam . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:14 PM): Dar abia a intrat acum 5-10 min . ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:20 PM): Shi am zis cha n-are rosat . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:47:28 PM): ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:47:31 PM): nu`mi pasda =)) |
angie_1878 (08:47:32 PM): pasa* |
angie_1878 (08:47:37 PM): m`a intrebat ce faci :)) |
angie_1878 (08:47:44 PM): katu katutza: sylv ce mai face? Cristinutza: eh bine ;;) |
angie_1878 (08:47:46 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:50 PM): Deshi chiar i-am cerut mai devreme nr de tel lu’ Carmy ca sah-i dsau un sms sha-i zic cah mi-e dir de ea , air acum nu vb cu ea . =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:47:56 PM): Ciudat om mai sunt . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:18 PM): Mai zi personaje . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:48:32 PM): pey carmy nu e on 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:45 PM): Shtiu , dar mai devreme am vb cxu ea . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:48:49 PM): Can dera . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:48:53 PM): nu ma inteleg nik =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:08 PM): sylvercheetah53: Deshi chiar i-am cerut mai devreme |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:11 PM): 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:49:28 PM): pey ai zis iar acum nu vb cu ea 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:49:30 PM): ma rog 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:38 PM): Nu vb cu Katu’ . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:49:46 PM): sh 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:49:48 PM): ah ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:49:55 PM): pey oricum cica si ea face baie :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:49:57 PM): Adicah e ciudat cha voiam sah-i dau sms sah-i spun cha mi-e dor de ea , iar acum cnad a intrat nu vb . =)) |
angie_1878 (08:50:07 PM): la katu? 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:50:14 PM): tu ai zis de carmy 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:17 PM): DA . >:P |
angie_1878 (08:50:25 PM): ce scoti limba la mine :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:26 PM): Dar nr .ei l-=am luat de la carmy . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:50:34 PM): ah ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:41 PM): Ei nu aveam cum sah il mai cer , fiind plecatah . 😛 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:43 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:50:48 PM): si eu i`am scris sms lui katu 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:50:51 PM): Violeta e Carmy . 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:51:00 PM): ieri sau alaltaieri nu ma stiu exact 😕 ? |
angie_1878 (08:51:21 PM): Paula(arad) De-al casei Data inscrierii: 17/Iul/2005 Mesaje: 1559 Locatie: somewhere over the rainbow Trimis: Mar Apr 25, 2006 8:46 pm Titlul subiectului: m-a sunat Carmynutza si mi-a spus sa va transmit ca nu mai poate intra pe net cateva zile ca i s-a virusat calcul si a trebuit formatat |
angie_1878 (08:51:22 PM): 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:51:25 PM): Nadira este Papu’ . 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:51:30 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:51:40 PM): :-S |
sylvercheetah53 (08:51:45 PM): 🙁 |
angie_1878 (08:51:49 PM): 😕 ? |
sylvercheetah53 (08:52:13 PM): Mai lipseshte uin bahiat . 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:52:17 PM): Cine mai era ? 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:52:29 PM): 😕 |
angie_1878 (08:52:34 PM): era ;;) |
angie_1878 (08:52:38 PM): florin ;;) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:52:44 PM): Am zis . Skip . 😀 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:52:58 PM): Flo , coco , Adrian , Ernest , Soso |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:04 PM): Lipseshte al shaselea . :-S |
angie_1878 (08:53:08 PM): flo o ibea pe andreea 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:53:13 PM): iubea* |
angie_1878 (08:53:14 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:53:15 PM): =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:20 PM): Poate shi Skip te iubeshte pe tine . ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:53:31 PM): clar =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:34 PM): Nu’ah al 6-klea . :(( |
angie_1878 (08:53:42 PM): nush cine`i 😕 |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:45 PM): Mumu |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:47 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:53:49 PM): lasa mey ca o sa citesc maine revistele 😡 X |
angie_1878 (08:53:53 PM): da el era =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:53:57 PM): Emi |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:00 PM): Mumu=Emi |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:02 PM): 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:54:05 PM): =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:11 PM): Ce zici , i-am potrivit bine ? ;)) |
angie_1878 (08:54:20 PM): yep =)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:28 PM): Dar ce pahrere ai cha te-am pus pe tine Andreea ? 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:54:38 PM): andreea era o sclifosita 😐 |
angie_1878 (08:54:48 PM): si soso ii zicea ca celulita ii sora ei mai mare =)) ) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:51 PM): Pey orice fatah e intr-o oarecare mahsurtah . :)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:54:56 PM): Nu’sh / :-S |
angie_1878 (08:55:01 PM): e mey e 😛 |
angie_1878 (08:55:03 PM): =)) |
angie_1878 (08:55:08 PM): noah eu tre` sa ies :* |
sylvercheetah53 (08:55:16 PM): Oki , atunci shi eu . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:55:22 PM): ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:55:24 PM): Ai griajh de tine . >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:55:27 PM): noapte buna :* >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:55:33 PM): Shi sah nu mai aud cha tzi-a foat rahu . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:55:39 PM): oki 😀 |
angie_1878 (08:55:41 PM): :* |
angie_1878 (08:55:45 PM): deja mi`a trecut ;)) |
sylvercheetah53 (08:55:45 PM): Trebuie sah te ingrijeshti , cah eshti pretzioasah . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:55:53 PM): foarte :)) |
angie_1878 (08:55:54 PM): :* |
sylvercheetah53 (08:55:59 PM): Noah , sah fii cuminte . >:D< |
sylvercheetah53 (08:56:07 PM): Love you . :-* |
angie_1878 (08:56:08 PM): u too:* >:D< |
angie_1878 (08:56:13 PM): love you too:* |